From One Week Notice To Zero Chill: Employee's Epic Revenge On Horrible Manager!

Emily Mahboobeh

Ah, the thrilling world of job-hopping! We've all been there, contemplating whether to stick with the old gig or take a leap of faith into new and exciting opportunities. But hold on folks! Let's talk about the delicate art of job breakups with a touch of humor and finesse!

Today, let me tell you a tale of u/ctrl_alt_d1337, the head bartender who was ready to escape the wild world of mixing drinks. He landed a senior bartender gig at a new spot, so naturally, he did the classic one-week notice dance.

But, oh boy, when OP sat down with his manager for a heart-to-heart chat, he didn't expect the manager to whip out a script straight from a melodramatic soap opera! The manager went on a tirade, calling OP all sorts of things like 'unprofessional,' 'lazy,' and 'work ethic-deficient.' Ouch!

So, prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of hilarious events as OP's final week turns into a comedy show filled with shenanigans and vengeful brilliance! Grab your popcorn and scroll down to witness the epic showdown of the bartender's farewell!

Here is OP’s full story:

Source: ctrl_alt_d1337
Source: ctrl_alt_d1338
Source: ctrl_alt_d1339
Source: ctrl_alt_d1340
Source: ctrl_alt_d1341
Source: ctrl_alt_d1342
Source: ctrl_alt_d1343
Source: ctrl_alt_d1344
Source: ctrl_alt_d1345
Source: ctrl_alt_d1346

No doubt about it, this post went viral faster than a sneeze in a crowded room, and boy, did it catch everyone's attention! Here are some of the best and most hilarious responses it received:

Source: ctrl_alt_d1347
Source: ctrl_alt_d1348
Source: ctrl_alt_d1349
Source: ctrl_alt_d1350
Source: ctrl_alt_d1351
Source: ctrl_alt_d1352

Now that you've read the story, it's time for you to spill the beans! Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Let us know in the comment section below. We love hearing your thoughts, so don't be shy! Share your experiences and join the conversation in the comment section below!