Fed-Up Woman Goes To Reddit For Advice After Her Partner's Broken Promises About Their Dog, Reddit Has Her Back

Emily Mahboobeh

Having a cozy pet in bed feels great. Even though doctors don't always recommend it, recent research says it's good for your health. Studies suggest that snuggling with your pet can make you less stressed and anxious, helping you feel calmer overall. Plus, having a furry companion nearby might even lower your blood pressure and keep your heart healthier.

However, there are some downsides to think about. Sharing your bed with pets can sometimes mess up your sleep. They might move around a lot during the night, causing disruptions that can affect your sleep quality. And if you're allergic to pet dander, this could be a problem too. Having a pet in bed could increase your exposure to allergens, leading to sneezing, itching, or other allergic reactions.

Considering these drawbacks, it's understandable why a woman on Reddit's Relationship Advice subreddit doesn't want dogs in her bed. She's made it clear to her partner that she doesn't want their dogs on the bed, but he keeps breaking his promises and making excuses just to snuggle with their furry friend. Scroll down to go through the whole story and what the internet users have to say about it.

OP asked for help on Reddit because her partner didn't keep promises.

Source: Ofalltheissues

OP already made it clear with her boyfriend that she doesn't want dogs in their bed. But the guy won't listen.

Source: Ofalltheissues

With all the broken promises, at this point, the OP feels disrespected.

Source: Ofalltheissues

The guy gets angry every time she's upset over his lack of accountability.

Source: Ofalltheissues

And here’s how Reddit users reacted. u/pomegranate7777 wrote:

Source: pomegranate7777

It's the boyfriend who's being petty here. He's making light of the promises he made.

Source: Substantra7497

This user suggests creating consequences for the OP's boyfriend's actions.

To which OP replies:

Source: Ofalltheissues

This user continues:

OP then replies:

Source: Ofalltheissues

But now they need to have a hard conversation at this point. The broken promises simply cannot continue.

Now that you've read the story, it's time for you to spill the beans! Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Let us know in the comment section below.