When we become parents, we often look forward to the day when we become grandparents too. It's a chance to see our kids raise their own families and be a special part of their lives as they grow. But how much should we expect from our parents in terms of help with our kids? A Reddit user, u/Various-Exercise-816, recently raised this question in the r/AITA subreddit.
Scroll down to go through the whole story and what the internet users have to say about it.
OP asks:

He clarified that he and his wife have two young sons.

OP has two young sons, and their parents have always been involved in their care.
OP says his brother was always the "golden child" of the family.

Jealous, jealous.
OP and his brother argued about who would need their parents' help more with their kids.

However, with OP's brother expecting his first child, tensions arise. OP perceives that their parents have favored their brother and opted for parental assistance over daycare due to health concerns.
OP said it wouldn't be fair for his parents to "neglect" his two children for his brother's child.

During a family dinner, a disagreement occurred when the brother asked for help, leading to OP saying they wouldn't seek assistance anymore and their kids might not see their grandparents.
The conversation quickly became heated.

This caused hurt feelings, and communication has been strained.
OP said it would be a shame for his children not to see their grandparents anymore.

OP then asked his family to leave. Now he's wondering if he is the a**hole here.

Here's how people reacted:

"Where do you and your brother get off?"

"Manipulative, cruel, and entitled."

"You are acting like the entitled brat here."

"That's not fair."

"Sounds like you are bitter about losing your free babysitting."

"This reads like you're two decades younger."

"You always banked on taking advantage of your parents."

"This is what you get for relying on family."

OP then gives us some updates:

OP later responded, expressing that they didn't appreciate being judged so harshly.

What's your perspective on this situation? Do you believe the OP's reaction, with the threats towards his parents, was an overreaction, or do you find it justifiable?
Regardless, it's worth considering that it may not be the responsibility of OP's parents to care for his children. After all, they have already raised their own kids.
We're eager to hear your viewpoints on this matter. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.