Employee Shares His Story About Quitting Jobs After Boss Told Him "You're Replaceable", Ends Up Getting Backlashed

Larry Campbell

Some bosses appear to think that a work-life balance is a plot to ruin their company. Without a doubt, employees take time off only to spite them. Some managers also have an overinflated sense of their own power that they frequently forget that employees can easily resign, which can actually ruin their company.

An internet user recalled the moment their supervisor called them after deciding that they needed to report to work on a day they had off. When the OP refused to back down, the employer made some unwise comments about replacing them. However, when OP called their bluff, it seemed this strategy quickly backfired.

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Nonetheless, a lot of Reddit users have pointed out that the whole story was probably made up to earn Karma.

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Meanwhile, there are also other Redditors who believe that this case may be true, as they shared their own examples.

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