Employee Maliciously Follows Boss’ Orders And Gets Him Fired

Manda Garcia

It is a matter of fact that employees are the backbone of a business, and it is vital for bosses to recognize their significance and treat them with the utmost consideration. However, not all bosses uphold this responsibility. Some, unfortunately, are solely focused on personal gains and wield their authority to exploit their subordinates, unconcerned about the consequences. That's exactly what happened to this Reddit user, NefariousAloe. OP's boss callously transferred all of his own tasks onto OP's plate, taking credit for the completed assignments and securing a good bonus for himself. That means OP never received any compensation for the extra efforts he put in to fulfill their boss's duties.

After a few years of doing his boss's tasks, OP decided to take matters into his own hands since he could no longer stand the injustice. Scroll down below to read how it all went down, and leave a comment to let us know what you think.

OP had a horrible boss who was also incompetent.

Source: NefariousAloe

The boss made OP do his job without giving OP the bonus.

Source: NefariousAloe

The boss was the kind of person we would want to avoid the most at work. Poor OP.

Source: NefariousAloe
Source: NefariousAloe

What? What exactly did the boss want OP to do? Asking OP to finish his work but not letting him go out of the office to have it done?

Source: NefariousAloe


Source: NefariousAloe

The boss finally got fired for what he did.

Source: NefariousAloe

That is the most satisfying story we have read so far today. Let's check out some of the comments on this post.

If only the boss had the brain cells to understand that.

Source: aehanken

He didn't even check for a whole year.

Source: clarkos2

Problem solved itself.

Source: angelmakr9

Yeah, we wouldn't be so surprised if he got sent to jail.

Source: fyxr


We would take this advice.

Source: rossarron

People call it "karma".

Of course.

Haha, so karma is real, right? The boss got what exactly he deserved for mistreating his employee and neglecting his work. How do you feel about this story? Leave a comment below to let us know.