Employee Brings Her Dirty Dishes To Work For Coworkers To Wash Them, And They Put Her In Her Place

Leona Martinez

One Reddit user, u/elena247, recently shared a story of workplace frustration that many can relate to. The story unfolds about an employee who seems to have mastered the art of evading responsibility and shifting her tasks onto others. She often brought her dirty dishes to work for her coworkers to wash, thinking that they wouldn't care or notice. However, they all knew what she did.

The OP also explained that although they had a dishwasher available on specific days, there were instances when it was slow and the dishwasher didn't show up. At those moments, the servers had to wash the dishes themselves, which made them already exhausted and even more exhausted. As a result, the OP decided that whenever they saw her dirty dishes, they would put them in the trash.

Scroll down to read the entire story. Also, don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment in the comment section below.

Source: Reddit

Employee brings her dishes in to work so coworker wash them in the commercial dishwasher

Source: elena247

A lazy employee who often brings her dirty dishes for others to wash, thinks coworkers wouldn't notice

Source: elena247

OP will bin her dirty dishes if they see them

Source: elena247

OP provided an update to their post

Source: elena247

This employee has a history of problematic behavior, including leaving her co-worker to handle a busy shift due to her own late-night drinking.

Source: elena247
Source: elena247

Here's the comments of Redditors about the OP's story:

Source: zaay-zaay
Source: SeanBZA

People also shared their similar stories in the comments:

Source: sutheglamcat
Source: P8epper
Source: fomulajuan04
Source: forthe_loveof
Source: Landybod
Source: DLS3141
Source: BeerdedRNY
Source: the_we1rdo
Source: Nix-geek