Dog Never Leaves Owner's Side Through His Entire Hospital Stay

Emma Ackerman

Dogs truly are incredible creatures, offering comfort, assistance, and a sense of safety. We've all seen countless heartwarming stories about how awesome dogs can be. Yet just a month ago, there was this viral video of a yellow Labrador Retriever taking care of a human buddy. It got more than 9 million views. That video is all about Magnus, and today, let's get to know him better – he's basically the best service dog ever.

The story began when Brian Benson experienced sudden chest pains and difficulty breathing, leading him to the ER. After three days of numerous tests, doctors diagnosed him with cardiomyopathy, a condition linked to blocked arteries. And this was due to his family history of heart disease. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining his fitness, Brian faced a genetic challenge.

“The painful reality is that sometimes you just can’t beat your genetics, no matter how hard you work. It’s almost like trying to swim upstream—maximum effort with minimal or limited results,” he wrote on Instagram.

Brian had been an athlete for over 35 years, participating in multiple Spartan races and even running the NYC marathon. However, genetics can be very formidable, as he expressed on Instagram. Fortunately, Brian had the support of his family, friends, and his loyal companion, Magnus.

During his hospital stay, Brian's daughters remained by his side, ensuring his comfort and providing him with care and delicious food. His friends, some of whom he had known since childhood, showed unconditional support, constantly visiting him.

However, Magnus, his service dog, was an exceptional friend who was allowed to stay with him beyond visiting hours. Magnus excelled at keeping Brian relaxed and diverting his attention from the challenging situation. This emotional support was invaluable during Brian's severe medical condition, and Magnus even brought smiles to the medical staff.
Brian and Magnus later became a local pet therapy team, visiting hospitals to provide comfort to terminally ill patients and their families. They also offered support to overworked hospital staff and worked with children with learning disabilities and emotional disorders. Magnus had a special talent for reading people's needs and empathizing with them, spreading happiness and love wherever they went.

Magnus's calming presence and ability to reduce stress and anxiety left an indelible impression on everyone he met. Their shared motto, "Life is better with a dog," resonates with all those who have had the pleasure of meeting Magnus and Brian.

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