Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In You? You Season 4 Ending Explain

Sunny Anderson

Did Joe actually kill Rhys in You? Read this article until the end to find out.
On March 9th, Netflix officially released the second part of You Season 4. The ending of Part One left fans with a cliffhanger when Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) found out that the "Eat The Rich" killer's identity was Rhys Montrose (Ed Speleers). An anonymous text sent to Joe also revealed that he was currently being stalked, which meant he would become the next target of the killer. Now that Joe had known the identity of the killer, Joe decided to find a way to get rid of him first. Would every thing go on smoothly according to Joe's plan?

#1. What Happened To Joe In You Season 4 Part 2?

Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In YouSource: Netflix

In order to carry out his plan, Joe started searching for every information possible about Rhys.
However, during Episode 7, viewers find Rhys telling Joe that he need to kill his girlfriend's father, Tom Lockwood (Greg Kinnear). He promised to leave Joe alone if Joe followed through with his plan. Rhys even revealed that he had kidnapped Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), the woman who Joe deeply loves and had been searching for a long time, as a way to threaten Joe.
Joe eventually came to find Tom. Thing didn't quite go according to the plan though. Tom pointed out Rhys's current hiding place (after he was being caught in a scandal) and blackmailed Joe in an attemp to save himself. As a result, Joe immediately went to that place to find Rhys.

Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In YouSource: Netflix

"Where's Marienne?", Joe asked. In return, Rhys only looked at him with a confused face. Rhys said that he knew nothing. His answer absolutely made Joe's blood boil. Joe ragingly choked Rhys to death.
However, a second version of Rhys, who was supposed to be dead by then, suddenly appeared behind Joe. At that shocking moment, it was revealed that the Rhys whom Joe killed was just made up by his imagination.
Rhys started explaining everything to Joe. He described how Joe had been imagining things by himself, trying to run away from the fact that he was the actual killer all along. Which also means, the killer that Joe had been searching for was, in fact, himself. Such a "It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me!" thing.


#2. Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In You? 

Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In YouSource: Netflix

Just like what Rhys said, the murderous Rhys was just something that Joe's mind made up. Joe was the actual killer. He committed murders, but he can't even remember them due to dissociation. And he only belatedly realized the truth after Rhys's death.
It was also revealed that Joe didn't know the true Rhys Montrose at all. The Rhys that he had known all this time was actually just a dark personality of himself. The Jekyll and Hyde of Joe. Joe was desperate to be a good person, but failed miserably.
"Did Joe actually kill Rhys in You?". The answer is, yes, Joe did kill Rhys Montroes. The real Rhys Montroes that he had known nothing about. He imagined an evil version of Rhys in his head, and eventually killed the real Rhys Montroes due to those imaginations.

#3. What Was The Ending Of Joe In You Season 4?

Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In YouSource: Netflix

At the end of the season, Joe finally embraced his dark side. Joe attempted to commit suicide due to his heavy guilt, but he failed. The moment Joe opened his eyes in the hospital, he had truly accepted his real person. This was totally not a good change.
In another turn of events, Nadia, one of Joe's literature at the university, began to suspect him of being a murderer. After finding out that Nadia and her boyfriend, Edward, had been snooping around his apartment and collecting evidences against him, Joe killed Edward with no hesitation. He framed Edward for Rhys's murder and misled everyone into thinking Nadia killed her boyfriend after finding out his "evil" action.


At the end, Joe didn't get back any karma. Joe's girlfriend, Kate (Charlotte Ritchie), fully accepted his true self. She forgave him, even after knowing Joe was the one who killed her father (probably because Tom was an awful dad to Kate). Kate inherited her father's wealth and became filthy rich. She helped Joe get back to his old life. Therefore, Joe got to live peacefully and didn't have to pay for his crimes, at all.

Did Joe Actually Kill Rhys In YouSource: Netflix

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