Design Blunders: 20 Examples Of How NOT To Do It Right

Manda Garcia

Hey there, peeps! It’s time to buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the world of atrocious design. Whether you’re an artist, designer, or just a fan of all things aesthetically pleasing, we’ve got a treat for you today! We’ve scoured the Internet for some of the most cringe-worthy examples of design gone wrong, and let me tell you, we found some doozies.

From logos that look like they were created by a two-year-old with a crayon to products that make you wonder if the designer was on something, we’ve got it all. And don’t worry, we’re not here to shame anyone; we’re just here to have a good laugh and learn from the mistakes of others. Keep scrolling down for a good laugh!

#1. This balcony blocking half of the pavement

Source: Snoo_90160

#2. Natural Beauty - four pairs of legs for three enourmous torsos

Source: JnK85

#3. Isn't love anything love is kind at all

Source: beirizzle

#4. AND MAKE believe ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs IT HAPPEN

Source: misterpants8

#5. Great, and which one to CLOSE the door…?

#6. Can you see what I see?

#7. Close Monday except Monday

Source: Gradiant_C

#8. Forbidden plastic utensils wrapped in plastic

Source: gabefields

#9. It’s a goose, right?

Source: SolsticeSon

#10. I can't be the only one seeing this wrong...

Source: Prudent_Ad3281

#11. Mirror in a restroom

Source: Lottesote

#12. The camera is on the bottom. Trust me, this package isn’t upside down.

Source: New-Inside-7157

#13. FIRe eXIT in case of a fire

Source: AristonD

#14. Make pure/poor decisions

Source: rc_standards

#15. They knew what they were doing

#16. FAP to disarm the security system

Source: SolsticeSon

#17. If you know, you know

#18. Good door

#19. There’s no ways this can be used at capacity.

Source: attackMatt

#20. It's a medical nebulizer for kids, but it looks like you are inhaling the medicine from the dog's *ss.