Everyone should remember and follow the golden rule in social etiquette: treating others like you would like to be treated yourself. However, easier said than done, so it's not a rare case to encounter some maniacs who believe nobody but themselves deserves respect. Especially in the internet and social media era, you're more likely to be bothered by messages and calls from those irrational ones.
Recently, a famous American entrepreneur William LeGate, the CEO and co-founder of the bedding company Pillow Fight shared his unpleasant experience on Twitter. One day, out of the blue, he got threatened by a stranger who declared to ruin his life by reporting him to his boss, which ironically was himself.
Recently, a famous American entrepreneur William LeGate, the CEO and co-founder of the bedding company Pillow Fight shared his unpleasant experience on Twitter. One day, out of the blue, he got threatened by a stranger who declared to ruin his life by reporting him to his boss, which ironically was himself.
Source: williamlegate
We could see how rude the woman was through several screenshots shared by LeGate on his Twitter account. She heard some rumors saying LeGate was broke, so she texted to mock and laugh at him.Source: williamlegate
After that, the crazed woman threatened the poster to contact his boss and make him pay for what he had said. Hilariously, since LeGate was the company's CEO, his boss was no one else but himself. It seemed that the woman had no idea who she was talking to.Source: williamlegate
The Karen sounded so confident with the belief that the LeGate would be regretful of what he said. She even claimed it was her mission to get him fired. What an incredibly entitled lunatic!Source: williamlegate
Being referred to as "Karen", the woman took offense and accused the poster of insulting her.Source: williamlegate
The Karen even went as far as contacting the NY Times to report LeGate. Although irritated, the businessman couldn't help but burst out laughing at this crazy woman.Source: williamlegate
Source: williamlegate
The CEO finally found out the woman's information and her employer. He then consulted netizens if he should inform her boss about her behavior, with more than 90% of votes going for a yes.Source: williamlegate
Though the story began with a threat to fire LeGate from a Karen, it ended up in an unexpected way when the woman lost both her Twitter account and her job.Source: williamlegate
Online people found this situation weird in a funny way. They wondered if the Karen's mission was completed, and what might happen if she couldn't make it. Anyway, she got what she deserved, and let's hope she could learn the immense consequences when messing with others without any reason.Source: RobAnderson2018
Source: dsmart
Source: snowsurfer74
Source: _yikesonbikes
Source: GreenShades9
What do you think about the woman in this story? What would you do if you were in the CEO's position? Let us know in the comment below, and don't forget the check out other fascinating posts on our site!