Christmas Chaos: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Gifts That Will Make Your Whole Gang Chuckle

Emily Mahboobeh

The holiday season is finally here, and Christmas is right around the corner. Sure, some Christmas gifts are supposed to be more serious, but there is always room for humor. Heck, we should leave some room for the Christmas chaos, too. So for that reason, we have prepared a list of deliciously devious gifts for you to laugh at between the long holiday meals—keep reading!
From crazy packaging pranks to hilariously tiny presents, this list of funny gift ideas won't disappoint you. While we all know it's crucial to pick the right, unique gift for the ones you love, the thoughts behind those gifts are what count. Plus, everyone loves a good laugh, so sending them this hilarious gift will bless them with many. That's why we decided to take a look at some of the most unexpected and funny gifts that people got this year and make a list out of them. So let's scroll down and check them all out. Please enjoy and have a happy holiday! Ho ho ho!

#1. Sibling gift exchange:

Source: rrrroasted

#2. "Just got my Christmas gift from my grandparents. I'm 31."

Source: man_moving_forward

#3. The Uno reverse card of gifts

Source: 341913

#4. His gift is a search warrant and a 'wanted' poster.

Source: LegendaryTangerine

#5. "I took some creative liberties when wrapping my brother's Christmas gift."

Source: flapper_jack

#6. If you let your older brother take an ugly picture of you, you will get it on a custom color-changing mug as a gag gift:

Source: Alomba87

#7. Galileo, Galileo Figaro MAGNIFICOOOO-O-O-O

Source: DownWordDawg8

#8. "My sister gave me the most thoughtful gift of all..."

Source: BearsOnABus

#9. This uncle's gift was a gift to himself and he seems to love it.

Source: reddit

#10. "My BF (of nearly 10 years) and I exchanged gifts today and this was the "gift" he gave me."

Source: reddit

#11. "Hope my boyfriend enjoys the personal engraving on his gift:"

Source: spreadzer0

#12. "Buddy at work secret Santa party legit just got gifted the same shirt he is wearing!"

Source: Dan_The_Salmon

#13. "I was so excited for a minute...|

Source: actually_good_advice

#14. "Look closely. Yup, that it's my gift, with a banana for scale."

Source: UrbanDryad

#15. Thanks, Satan!

Source: mattythedog

#16. An 8-year-old give me this:

Source: reddit

#17. "Thanks, Mom!"

Source: alrebmik

#18. "My parents are retiring and want to travel full time. My brother sent them this suitcase for Christmas."

Source: dawndollygolden

#19. Aw, the sweet aroma of sibling rivalry!

Source: raychh_

#20. And under that is the iPhone that's been sitting in soy sauce all night.

Source: pudka

#21. The true spirit of Christmas.

Source: RPerkins2

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