Alongside Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans has been an integral part of the MCU’s golden era from 2008 to 2019. Portraying the stoic yet charismatic Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, Evans has done a brilliant job as the leader of the Avengers, and led the team through four different movies. Therefore, every Marvel fan was disappointed to learn that he’d retire from the role after Avengers: Endgame.
Recently, there have been rumors about Chris Evans finally returning to the MCU after 4 years. The actor himself also addressed this rumor, stating that he’s open to the idea of returning, but only on one particular condition. So, what’s Evans’ requirement, and how can he return to the MCU? Let’s find out.
#1. Why Chris Evans’ Return To The MCU Is Necessary
Making his MCU debut in 2011 with the movie Captain America: The First Avengers, Chris Evans has since become a pivotal part of the Avengers and the MCU. Having played through 3 standalone movies and 4 Avengers titles, Steve Rogers completed his incredible superhero journey in Avengers: Endgame (2019) after defeating Thanos, as he passed the mantle to Sam Wilson/The Falcon, and grew old gracefully with his love Peggy.
It’s safe to say that Evans’ adventure with the MCU ended on a high note, therefore it wouldn’t make sense for him to throw his legacy away and return as Captain America. However, as the MCU is in a crisis after so many underperforming shows, Marvel executives are planning to bring back some of the old guards such as Evans and Robert Downey Jr. to rejuvenate the franchise.
#2. What’s Chris Evans’ Condition To Return To The MCU?
Chris Evans himself isn’t against the idea of returning either, as he has discussed this matter several times in the past. His stand stays largely the same, as the actor is open about returning to the MCU as Rogers, but only if the time is right, and the conditions “must be perfect”.
In general, he doesn’t want to ruin the legacy he has left behind as Captain America if the conditions are not met, and he doesn’t want to take away Sam Wilson’s spotlight as the new Captain either.
#3. Why It’s Not A Good Time Now To Bring Back Chris Evans?
Even though Marvel Studios wants to bring back Evans to the scene, they’ll have to wait at least some time after the premiere of Captain America: Brave New World in 2024. In the fourth installment, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), having taken the mantle from Steve Rogers, needs to establish his own standing as Captain America. Therefore, having Steve return too soon would ruin Sam’s character arc.
Besides, even with Evans and RDJ gone, the current Avengers lineup is already stacked with new inclusions such as Ms. Marvel, Monica Rambeau, G’iah and Shang-Chi. Bringing back old characters now will only further complicate matters, rather than solving them.
#4. How Can Chris Evans Return To The MCU?
Moreover, Evans could also appear in upcoming movies in a cameo or supporting role. For example, his old version can appear as a mentor p for Sam Wilson in the upcoming Captain America entry. The possibilities are there, so let’s wait and see how Marvel Studios will pull this off.
While nothing is confirmed yet, it’s safe to say that if both Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. can return, Marvel will have all the tools they need to restore the MCU to its glorious state. Do you think Chris Evans can return as Captain America? And how? Let us know in the comments.