Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast, Guest Stars, And Recap

Michelle Hall

Searching for the Chicago Med season 8 episode 15 cast, guest stars, and recap? To this episode, we meet the striking maids and porters. They were visible and audible picketing outside the hospital. The least Dr. Daniel Charles could do was wait outside throughout the strike with the cleaning employees and picket with them since giving an interview about the strike would violate his contract.
He felt it was important to demonstrate his backing for them. And he hoped to demonstrate to Lilliana his appreciation for all she did for the institution. They had become something of a couple. He was still keen on making an impression on her, so he decided that the picketing activity would serve as the optimal platform. Fortunately, he was around when an old patient returned. But first, let's check out the list of the Chicago Med season 8 episode 15 cast & guest stars.

#1. Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast And Guest Stars

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast Source: Chicago Med
  • Nick Gehlfuss plays Will Halstead
  • Yaya DaCosta plays April Sexton
  • S. Epatha Merkerson plays Sharon Goodwin
  • Oliver Platt plays Daniel Charles
  • Kristen Hager plays Dr. Stevie Hammer
  • Brian Tee plays Ethan Choi
  • Emily Hinkler plays Emma Brooks
  • Marlyne Barrett plays Maggie Lockwood
  • Dominic Rains plays Crockett Marcel
  • Elizabeth Hinkler plays Gemma Brooks

#2. Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Recap

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast And Guest Stars
Keep David Sullivan in mind. When David initially checked in, he was a teenager with paranoid delusions. After seeing David for the first time, Daniel and his psych intern Nellie concluded that he was psychotic. Yet, only David's parents then refused to accept that their son was ill. They made false accusations against the medical center. They did a checkup on David but didn't take him to the hospital, instead opting to deal with his ailment independently.
Of course, that plan didn't pan out, nor did it for David and the rest of them. David had a mental disorder. Almost immediately, he almost ended his own life. Only after returning to the hospital did they consider the possibility that he had a medical issue. It was decided to medicate David. The family did their best to care for him, but eventually, David stopped eating. He avoided both food and physical contact. Everyone knew he was dead because he said so.
For some reason, his parents insisted on returning him to the clinic for further examination. The girl, Nellie, noticed him. She attempted to heal him alone but was unsuccessful since he immediately identified her as the one who had given him his prescription. He blames her for his untimely demise. David believed he was dead since his new prescription made him feel strange.
It didn't help that the voices in his head told him he was dead since he wouldn't take his medication. David responded positively to drugs until he began to fight against them; he felt off after taking them, and now he fears death. Nellie attempted to handle him alone. Later, when David tried physically harming her, she had to summon Daniel for help. Daniel took a break from picketing to peruse David's records.


Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Recap
While the rest of the hospital dealt with the cleaning strike, they devised a strategy to best care for him. To cover for the strikers, they brought in replacement workers. Yet, the new cleaning staff was slack. A man called Jacob was notorious for being glued to his phone and failing to tidy up after patients. As a result, Maggie had to enlist Doris's assistance in setting up the rooms. Even Maggie did all she could to aid the cause.
Of course, not everybody shared my enthusiasm. In particular, Dr. Will Halstead found the scabs to be quite annoying to use. He came from a working-class background and has always supported labor unions. He made an effort to convince Sharon to speed up their problem-solving. She assured him that she was giving it all she had. In the interim, though, hospital operations had to continue as normal. Maggie witnessed a young girl being airlifted in via helicopter.
The girl broke her leg while helping on the family farm, and her doctor accompanied her to the emergency room. Loren Johnson was his name, and he was a doctor. Throughout her operation, he stayed at Abby's side. He saw Crockett's decision to try to preserve the limb instead of amputating it. Crocket was the only one to contact child protective services; he reasoned that the child had no business being near a machine, let alone being wounded by one.


Maggie attempted to persuade him. A similar thing about Loren: both were familiar with rural life and the necessity of everyone, including children, pitching in. In contrast, Crocket had a different opinion. He was against employing children. He felt it was unsafe to leave them unattended. He phoned CPS after learning the girl nearly lost a leg due to her parents' carelessness. Maggie's best efforts to persuade him otherwise were doomed to failure.
The hospital almost went into lockdown because of fears that the illness spreading across the facility was infectious. A man called Walter came in complaining of a fever that had been going on for over a week. Will subject him to every imaginable exam. The diagnostic tests performed on him came out negative. At that time, Will grew increasingly agitated, and Dr. Grace Song stepped in to assist. She examined the signs and symptoms.
She ran it through her computer program, and it confirmed her worst fears: it was bubonic plague. A recent incident occurred in the Sacramento area. It was initially suspected to be the bubonic plague since Walter had trekked nearby. That is until Doris started having the same problems. Fortunately, it wasn't the bubonic plague. It would be the case of bedbugs.
Bed bugs have spread throughout the hospital because the new janitors haven't washed the linens as often as they should. When the scabs irritated Sharon, she became enraged. She argued with the board in hopes of rehiring the cleaners but was told that Jack wouldn't budge until the union made concessions. They thought they could save money but exposed the hospital to legal action because of the bed bug problem.


Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 15 Cast
But in the meanwhile, Daniel had a brilliant idea to aid David. He persuaded David that they could bring him back from the grave by performing some Frankenstein operation—another method of shocking David into taking his meds again. Nonetheless, the intended effect was achieved. In time, David's health improved. After Daniel returned to Lillianna, he discovered that the hospital had given in, allowing his parents some much-needed breathing room.
They reached an accord with the union. In other words, the cleaning crew was returning, and the temp workers were leaving. Will was the only one who didn't criticize Walter for being angry about having bedbugs in the hospital. On the other hand, Nellie was unable to communicate with David without Dr. Archer's assistance, although she managed to aid another patient. Ultimately, Archer realized he could be weak in front of his son.
Crocket, though, was aware that Abby had disobeyed her parents by approaching the machine. Since she had disobeyed their rules, her parents had her locked up. Because of it, Crocket decided not to notify CPS about the incident.
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