Boss Digs Her Own Grave By Telling An Employee That She Is Not A Manager

Leona Martinez

In this article, we will share with you the interesting story of a dedicated employee working in mental health and substance use services. The OP witnessed the growth of their workplace from a small entity to a well-established consulting company. However, their boss's lack of involvement and disinterest in day-to-day affairs became apparent over time, leaving them feeling unsupported.

Against the backdrop of the ongoing pandemic, a new manager appeared. It seemed that the new manager would bring a glimmer of hope, but he soon proved to be no different in terms of involvement. So the OP decided to stand up for their principles and rights in the workplace by themselves.

Are you curious about what happened next? Scroll down to read the entire story. Also, share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Source: Reddit

Source: more-input

OP's boss is never available for help and often asks them to do her work for her

Source: more-input

OP didn't feel supported by the owner after the incident had happened

Source: more-input

The boss assigned more tasks to OP but that was a managers job

Source: more-input

OP firmly declined that tasks

Source: more-input

OP informed the new manager about their boss's deception, leading to an investigation into her conduct and job performance

Source: more-input

OP also added additional details about the story:

Source: more-input
Source: more-input

Here's what Redditors had to say about the OP's story:

Source: c0y0t3_sly
Source: lorddodgeAO3
Source: Vampire_Darling
Source: eltf177
Source: s2theizay

People also shared their similar experiences in the comments:

Source: MisterFisty54
Source: BrogerBramjet
Source: LadyCashier
Source: GhostDoggoes
Source: Yeahdude99