Bet You'll Have To Look Twice To Realize What The Eff Is Happening In These 30 Pics

Larry Campbell

Have you ever had to take a second look at a picture or blog post you saw online because it seemed so illogical? It might have been the lighting, the background, the angle, or anything else, but it took you two or three looks to p it out. Now fasten your seatbelts because we have just that in this collection of pictures. As you click through these images, prepare to be bewildered or perplexed as you might have to take a second look.

#1. What are they doing?

Source: Imgur

#2. Not her leg, though

Source: Imgur

#3. She's got a long arm, right?

Source: Imgur

#4. Check this baby's legs

Source: Imgur

#5. "Threatened Species"

Source: Imgur

#6. IT?

Source: Imgur

#7. These 2 dogs make me confused

Source: Imgur

#8. That's a good place to play

Source: Imgur

#9. Meow

Source: Imgur

#10. Wow

Source: Imgur

#11. Look at that cat

Source: Imgur

#12. This haircut that makes it look like there's a pothole in this guy's head:

Source: Imgur

#13. This gate that has a 3D appearance:

Source: Imgur

#14. “My cousin’s legs look backward.”

Source: Imgur

#15. This bird that looks like a bunny:

Source: Imgur

#16. Thomas

Source: Imgur

#17. Cat again

Source: Imgur

#18. That owl and the tree

Source: Imgur

#19. One more cat with hooman's legs

Source: Imgur

#20. Hmm

Source: Imgur

#21. Darth Vader?

Source: Imgur

#22. Where's the dog's other legs

Source: Imgur

#23. “After 5 years of use, my pizza stone looks like the moon.”

Source: Imgur

#24. “Those aren’t my shoes.”

Source: Imgur

#25. “The cross-section of this agate is like looking out onto the ocean.”

Source: Imgur

#26. Dog, part 2

Source: Imgur