9 Insanely Questionable Health Tips From Dr. Celebrities

Elise Feyrer

Being renowned comes with a heavy burden of obligation. celebrities should be conscious that the things they say and do publicly can have far-reaching consequences. But don't take someone's word on their health just because they can hit a high note on the piano or blow you away in a role. And don't assume that the health advice you receive from Dr. Oz is much better just because his name starts with "Dr."
You'll have a great time reading about these strange and, in some cases, even harmful suggestions by famous people. Be careful not to do any of this at home. And hey, at least you know what to expect if you do!

1. Alicia Silverstone

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Actress Silverstone told PEOPLE that she had fed her son by first putting the food in her mouth and then delivering it directly to his mouth without digesting it. As an explanation for her behavior, she said, That's how people have been nourishing their young for centuries. You may call it a weaning procedure. Adorable! That's why I always have a good chuckle whenever he does it.
But it's still a little out there! To be honest, Alicia Silverstone probably wasn't trying to spread this as "advice" in 2012, but she did get a lot of attention for the way she fed her 10-month-old kid.

2. Victoria And David Beckham

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Both Victoria and David Beckham have established themselves as household names in the fashion sector. And even if they have a history of terrible style missteps. We can only speculate as to whether or not any of the clothes they've worn are as bizarre as the beauty tips they swear by. To achieve that dewy look, try a facial that contains bird poop. It doesn't include making anything but standing around in the park, but rather a trip to the spa. Those who are "fortunate" can use a face mask that exfoliates by combining rice bran with the droppings of nightingales and water.

3. Salma Hayek

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One of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood is Salma Hayek. Her beautiful hair may be the most striking aspect of her appearance. After reading what she does to keep up that amazing appearance, you might wonder if it's worth it! Do you feel prepared for this? This would be the egg's yolk. Taking the egg yolk skin off and adding a few drops of lemon juice will help mask the odor a little, but as Hayek put it, "it's still going to stink."

4. Blake Lively

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Blake Lively can get advice from industry experts thanks to her connections. However, this next offbeat piece of wisdom is some sound counsel from her beloved old Mom that has stood the test of time. This is a wonderful beauty tip that my mother taught me. Before she took a shower, she would apply oil or mayonnaise to the lower half of her hair. In this way, the shampoo wouldn't get down to the scalp and dry up the hair, causing it to become brittle," Lively explained.

5. Katy Perry

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Hundreds of millions of Katy Perry's followers presumably take all of the singer's recommendations as gospel. To compound the harm, she often uses her fame to advocate for harmful products. For instance, she made it sound proud to be popping over 20 vitamin tablets daily. In 2013, Perry posted a photo to Twitter with the remark, "I'm all about that supplement & vitamin LYFE!"

6. Teri Hatcher

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Teri Hatcher, without a doubt, possesses stunningly attractive skin. She should naturally continue to put a premium on it as she ages (she's 53). Hatcher has found that drinking red wine is a great technique to help her maintain her youthful appearance. She uses it in her bathing routine rather than drinking it, which you may find odd. According to The Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets, Hatcher pours about a cup of red wine into her bath water before getting in because she thinks the polyphenols will be good for her complexion.

7. Gwyneth Paltrow

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In the past, Gwyneth Paltrow has advocated some dangerously incorrect views on how to care for one's body. However, the following item on the list is more peculiar than harmful or hazardous. Paltrow disclosed that she has aided in the reduction of scarring and inflammation by saying, Some bees stung me, and it hurt. Apitherapy is a treatment that has been used for thousands of years. Many people use it to get rid of old scars and inflammatory conditions. If you look into it, it turns out to be unbelievable.