These 16 Lucky People Who Managed To Avoid True Disasters

Robert Whitman-Byrne

In many cultures, finding four leaf clovers is a symbol of good fortune. The explanation is simple: there are 10,000 3-leaf clovers for every 4-leaf clover. When we survive a potentially hazardous scenario or win the lottery, we frequently attribute our success to luck. But life is not a lottery; rather, it is a priceless gift that we should all treasure. Therefore, let's always remember to take care and simple safety steps.
You take a big breath and let out a loud, "PHEW!" as you realize you have nearly dodged a huge shitstorm.
We have created a list of lucky people have avoided disaster, some of which are graver than others. This list includes everything, from nearly dipping the spoon handle in soup (the horror!) to narrowly escaping death by chainsaw. These lucky people have avoided disaster.

#1 This was dangerous for all the participants…

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#2 What a wicked sinkhole!

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#3 I can’t even imagine how scary that was!

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#4 How did that happen?

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#5 “A friend of a friend got into a motorcycle accident at 70 mph and hit a bus. This is his helmet.”

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#6 Unbelievable luck!

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#7 Who knew taking seashore pics could be so dangerous?

people have avoided disaster Source: Meme and chill

#8 Don’t forget to wear your helmet!

people have avoided disasterSource: Meme and chill

#9 A little more to the left and…

people have avoided disaster Source: Meme and chill

#10 This is why you should always wear a helmet:

people have avoided disaster Source: Meme and chill

#11 This is what it means to be lucky!

Source: Meme and chill

#12 This must have been really scary!

Source: Meme and chill

#13 “A friend of a friend got into a motorcycle accident at 70 mph and hit a bus. This is his helmet.”

Source: © inorman / reddit

#14 “Close call: Boulder nearly takes out Italian farm house.”

Source: © markpits / reddit

#15 Unbelievable luck!

Source: © RagingAcid / Imgur

#16 A little more to the left and...

Source: © atrais / reddit