20 Of The Most Wholesome Answers By Nicolas Cage In This Reddit Thread

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Anyone else taken aback when they saw Nicolas Cage's name pop up online? After all, a while has passed. In a Yahoo interview, Nicolas said he's content to remain a "analog man" in a world that is more digital: "I made a specific decision not to become part of that club because I'm old-school."
However, Nicolas Cage's new film The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent will be released soon. Therefore, here was a wonderful chance for Nicolas to stop in online for a quick report on his life. The actor created a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" post as part of a marketing push for the upcoming movie.


Wholesome AnswersSource: GicaGamer


Wholesome AnswersSource: holymoley1234


Wholesome AnswersSource: FredHowl


Wholesome AnswersSource: Bebop_Man


Wholesome AnswersSource: JaggedOnomatomania


Source: DeathCatforKudi


Wholesome AnswersSource: PENISHANGINOUT


Wholesome AnswersSource: BennieWilliams


Wholesome AnswersSource: ancapmike


Wholesome AnswersSource: Vast_Effective6430


Wholesome AnswersSource: makenzie71


Wholesome AnswersSource: AidanCues


Wholesome AnswersSource: PM_YOUR_INNER_THIGH


Wholesome AnswersSource: Mr_Blaileen


Wholesome AnswersSource: DestroyingTheOrder


Wholesome AnswersSource: Ragnar_Dragonfyre


Wholesome AnswersSource: Lukeh41


Wholesome AnswersSource: coolguysteve21


Wholesome AnswersSource: speakerboxxed


Wholesome AnswersSource: provocatrixless