20 Things That Women Should Stop Doing Altogether

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Sometimes, people make unintentional efforts to irritate others. For instance, smoking in public places puts others at risk of unintentionally breathing in their smoke. People may become irritated at home, for instance, if the last person to use the toilet does not flush. There are several things woman should stop doing together.
We'll be on the lookout for such actions by women today. We shall discover several acts that women take that they ought to avoid performing thanks to this Reddit discussion and its helpful community. We'll discover 20 behaviors that make women unpleasant, such as peeing on public toilet seats and gossiping. There are things that women should stop doing together


things woman should stop doingSource: bowlbettertalkdigitonin

Peeing on public toilet seats. Put some TP on the seat if you’re that worried about germs.


things woman should stop doingSource: detective_kiaraMelike Benli

Teaching their daughters that it’s okay to be with an abusive man


things woman should stop doingSource: dogmom1993Christopher Schmidt

Thinking it’s cute & quirky to label themselves as a married man’s “work wife.” My fiancé has been put in several uncomfy situations where he doesn’t want to be mean or deal with an HR blowup, but also doesn’t want to be flirted with in his place of employment. We don’t want men to do it to us, so let’s not do it to uninterested men.


things woman should stop doingSource: dogmom1993Christopher Schmidt

Trying to get me to join their MLM.


things woman should stop doingSource: Raven_395Dmitriy Ganin

Stop with the “I’m not like other girls”


things woman should stop doingSource: IamHOTUrNotSaliha

Stop dating idiot guys when you have kids. Stop putting your love lives before your kids. Put your kids first.


things woman should stop doingSource: TammalammaSam Lion

Everything for their sons. Teach them how to do their own laundry. Teach them to cook, give them a night they make dinner for the family. Have them do chores. Make them understand that doing anything less than their share is not enough. Model partnership, not servitude. This simple thing could change the world.


Source: HumbleConclusionPolina Tankilevitch

Acting like fellow mothers are the only people who could possibly understand unconditional love, selflessness or sacrifice, work/life balance challenges, the list goes on…


Source: Botryoid2000Amaury Laporte

Taking the criticism of one person as license to stop doing what they love.
“My teacher said my painting was awful, so I swore then and there never to paint again.”
“My mom said I was fat, so I have never worn a bikini.”
“My boyfriend said my story was stupid, so I quit writing.”
You’re only hurting yourself. Twirl on the haters.


Source: Medium_Temperature_4Johannes Jander

“oh you want kids but your man’s not ready yet? Just secretly come off the pill and say it was an accident. It’s your body, I did it with my kids”. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard this and it’s disgusting behaviour


Source: katreginac42

Photoshoping their photos to the oblivion thus reinforcing the unrealistic beauty standards. You know skin texture exists, why do you pretend it doesn’t??



Just because you had a hard time climbing up the corporate ladder or getting into a good position, you do not need to make other women suffer the same. I cannot emphasize it enough: hold the door open for the next one. Coach young female leaders. Help each other out


Source: DraginiaLeah Kelley

Using their own issues to invalidate other’s issues.


Source:  EvilAliciaDominika Roseclay

Telling other women that they should have kids, to have a fulfilled life.


Source: nadeenmattarLucxama Sylvain

Targeting married men exclusively. And this is just a small percentage of women but I mean why?
Cheating husbands are trash no exceptions but for some women to not take no as an answer from a happily married man is just sickening.


Source: 1ofthefatesRobert Pittman

Blaming other women for their cheating boyfriend/husband’s behavior.


Source: shinyprettythingsnickcannon

Sleeping with Nick Cannon.


Source: One-Impact4781Timur Weber

Workplace toxicity. I have had two women, separate occasions, try to get me fired. The lies and gossip they spread and the accusations were insane. Empathy should be easy for us to have toward one another and I don’t know how a person can do those things to another person, let alone women to women.