Explore Girls’ Daily Life Through The Hilarious Comics By Artist Agustina Guerrero

Leona Martinez

Every girl is unique in her own way. Indeed, they all have different solutions for daily problems that happen to them. Also, they have unique ways to make themselves happy, such as going shopping, eating, or curling on their bed all day. Besides, some girls prefer to spend their money at the salon, while others prefer to save their earnings for clothes, groceries, or high heels.
Even though each girl lives her own life, there are still some relatable things that most girls share together. As a girl, are you annoyed whenever you get the monthly period? Or, do you have to deal with bras, fight with your boyfriend, and forgo sexy clothing that you love to pick others comfortable? I bet these things might happen to most young women. Now, this post will reveal more than 20 things about girls' daily life that they cannot deny. All are illustrated in a comic series by artist Agustina Guerrero.
There's no doubt that all the girls out there are strong because they have a ton of struggles in life to handle. Admittedly, boys have an easy and more carefree life rather than girls. Thanks to Guerrero, girls can speak up and share with the rest of the world what they cope with every day. The Argentina-based artist takes her day-to-day life and transforms it into comics. She is very good at depicting real-life issues and knows how to compose them in a four-panel picture. Each of her comics is about struggles that young women encounter in their daily routine, but these comics are not boring and frustrating because they are illustrated with many colors and adorable visual style.
So girls, hold your breath because these illustrations below are so relatable. But, don't worry, let's laugh at our problems to overcome anxiety together! Artist Agustina Guerrero is an interesting persona. 

#1 Then vs Now!

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#2 When you and your partner are at ease and comfortable with each other

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#3 That man’s facial expression tho!

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#4 If you ever had a visit to Gynae, you definitely can understand what’s going on

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#5 Left or right! Ugh, why it’s so confusing

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#6 The moment when you burst out your emotions

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#7 Flush flush away!

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#8 Tiresome process!

Artist Agustina GuerreroSource: agustinaguerrero

#9 Blah Blah Blah!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#10 Deep thinking!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#11 Mystery that even James Bond couldn’t solve

Source: agustinaguerrero

#12 Different versions of GIRLFRIEND!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#13 This picture is so cozy

Source: agustinaguerrero

#14 It’s more frustrating when another person is jamming out to music that you hate

Source: agustinaguerrero

#15 Everyone is enjoying the rain except this one lady. And you know the reason!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#16 From next Monday actually!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#17 Every girl has done this once in her life

Source: agustinaguerrero

#18 Perfect place to spend every second of your life

Source: agustinaguerrero

#19 This reality hits so hard

Source: agustinaguerrero

#20 Calm, healthy, and happy!

Source: agustinaguerrero

#21 Why the girls are unable to find their phones?

Source: agustinaguerrero

#22 A problem that every girl can relate

Source: agustinaguerrero

#23 A perfect relationship cycle!

Source: agustinaguerrero