We "ordinary" people still tend to put celebrities on a pedestal and make them role models. This is why we become obsessed with Entertainment news sites whenever a story breaks about a scandal or legal issue involving a celebrity. Just like the rest of us, celebrities have humiliating incidents in their past that they would just as soon forget ever took place.
Sometimes, these awkward incidents involve the police and an arrest; even though embarrassing arrests happen to average individuals, it seems much weirder when a celebrity is arrested.
Sometimes, these awkward incidents involve the police and an arrest; even though embarrassing arrests happen to average individuals, it seems much weirder when a celebrity is arrested.
1. Ozzy Osbourne
Source: Getty Images
2. George Michael
Source: Getty Images
3. Eddie Murphy
Source: Getty Images
4. Andy Dick
Source: Getty Images
5. Shia Labeouf
Source: Getty Images
6. Charles Barkley
Source: Getty Images
7. Matthew McConaughey
Source: Getty Images