We have collected some of the most hilarious posts on Twitter. They will spark real joy in your life. Take a minute to scroll down to check them out for yourselves. And vote for your favorites. If you love these tweets, don't hesitate to share them with your friends and family members who really need some 'vitamin smile' after a hard day. These Funny Tweets that spark joy might be found here.
#1. He’s a toddler. He knows something we don’t
Source: gorgeousmia91
#2. Runners are getting upset at this as if they can’t go run and get high
Source: princessbozo
#3. Yeah maybe if you don't care about the law
Source: MNateShyamalan
#4. Comedic genius
Source: SortaBad
#5. So annoying!
Source: TweetPotato314
#6. That’s friggin creepy
Source: showerfeelings
#7. Out of the mouths of babes...lol
Source: Erik_Bergstrom
#8. Just don't cut off your ear!!!
Source: DothTheDoth
#9. Tell him about contouring and blow his whole mind
Source: TragicAllyHere
#10. "Alphabet mafia"
Source: jaxajueny
#11. Hilarious
Source: megstalter
#12. LoL
Source: Noorthevirgo
#13. Ball sack
Source: Braingetter
#14. And can sing that to the full lungs without judgment
Source: priinnyvert
#15. Always last minute
Source: thahumorguy