40 Ridiculous Comic Strips By Artist Sarah Andersen That’ll Make You Giggle Like A Schoolgirl

Leona Martinez

You might have seen Sarah Andersen’s popular comics more than once if you’ve been browsing the internet for a while. Your sense of humor can be considered a little odd by your friends. Possibly absurd? Well, if that is the case, come on over. There are lots of us here! Anyone who is familiar with her cartoons will be able to attest to how well they capture the chaos of modern living, particularly as it pertains to introverts in their daily lives. You are about to get incredibly well since laughter is the best medicine. Let’s look at the complete collection of her most recent comics to discover how amusing and realistic they are!
Sarah Andersen has been creating cartoons since her early 20s and received her degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art. Her funny art has helped her build a successful business and a comfortable living in the social media art world. In her webcomic “Sarah’s Scribbles,” she explores what it is like to be a modern woman. Back in 2020, Sarah talked about her “Fangs” series, which was also published as a hardcover book with 112 pages and drawings. She is now working on two more series in addition to her most recent one, “Cryptid Club.” These Comic Strips By Artist Sarah Andersen Are Greatly Enjoyble.
Sarah is one of the most well-known creators in her field, and her comics are considered classics within the comic world. She got the incredibly complimentary and ego-boosting moniker “Princess of American Comics” from someone. Within the next two years, she hopes to work on a fully developed graphic novel. besides working as an artist full-time. She makes an effort to do yoga every day because spending all day crouched over a sketchbook may eventually wear on her body. In the series “Sarah’s Scribbles,” she aspires to help readers feel more at ease and confident in their own skin.
“Sarah’s Scribbles” is as funny as it is relevant, and it deals with a variety of topics like attempting to be an adult, fitting in, gracefully leaving the restroom, and just getting out of bed in the morning. The 40 craziest pieces of art she has ever made are listed right below. Feel free to visit her comic websites for more resounding laughs. See ya with Comedy comics by artist Sarah Andersen. 

#1 Imposter in the crew

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#2 Fallen angels are demons

Source: sarahandersencomics

#3 Then I'll break you

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#4 Breaking bad moment

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#5 Tough bois can't resist

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#6 What about Cerberus?

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#7 Run away puppy!!

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#8 Opan gangnam style

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#9 Das gonna be me

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#10 At least we have popcorn

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#11 Fae/Fairy aesthetic

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#12 Thems fighting words

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#13 London immigrant days

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#14 Such a mood

Comic Strips By Artist Sarah AndersenSource: sarahandersencomics

#15 They totally are Jerks

Source: sarahandersencomics

#16 Wiccan community trembling

Source: sarahandersencomics

#17 Happiness when eating

Source: sarahandersencomics

#18 This way of talking

Source: sarahandersencomics

#19 They must be God

Source: sarahandersencomics

#20 And it was both

Source: sarahandersencomics

#21 I need this on a shirt

Source: sarahandersencomics

#22 All hail the light

Source: sarahandersencomics

#23 This cat is grinning diabolically

Source: sarahandersencomics

#24 Emotional damage

Source: sarahandersencomics

#25 We are so flipping metal

Source: sarahandersencomics

#26 My favorite murder

Source: sarahandersencomics

#27 The little legs

Source: sarahandersencomics

#28 Moon in Majora's mask

Source: sarahandersencomics

#29 Don't expose our doings!!

Source: sarahandersencomics

#30 Amusingly springy cat ears

Source: sarahandersencomics

#31 The apendex doesn’t do its job

Source: sarahandersencomics

#32 Not an actual angel

Source: sarahandersencomics

#33 They take care of rats

Source: sarahandersencomics

#34 Ambiverts just watch

Source: sarahandersencomics

#35 Say they're bastards

Source: sarahandersencomics

#36 I feel attacked

Source: sarahandersencomics

#37 Jaime Lannister

Source: sarahandersencomics

#38 Do feel like death

Source: sarahandersencomics

#39 The 328,800th like exactly

Source: sarahandersencomics

#40 Get him a water fountain

Source: sarahandersencomics