19 Things You Didn't Know Existed That Are Shown In These "Yup That Exists" Posts

Robert Whitman-Byrne

It could seem like everything important has been created by this point. There are countless devices in the world that make our lives easier, but as consumers, we frequently think we've seen and heard it all. We frequently see inventive and beautiful designs, so we assume that all outstanding concepts have already been used. We discover the most brilliant product features and user-friendly architectural solutions ever developed, and we realize that nothing will ever again surprise us.

However, if all of this resonates with you, then we assure you that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a wealth of knowledge and data available on the internet to inform and entertain users. It's challenging to be knowledgeable about everything in this enormous realm of information, and we might not even be aware that some things exist unless we run across them.

Let us introduce you to a fun section of the internet called the Instagram account for "Yup That Exists." This social media initiative compiles the strangest and unique devices, inventions, and tools that will surely make you yell out: "I did not know that existed at all!"

#1 The 'apple detective'

Source: yup.that.exists

#2Wonder where this is located?

Source: yup.that.exists

#3 Oh gods yes. Please.

Source: yup.that.exists

#4 Polar bear not included

Source: yup.that.exists

#5 Those sheep have seen something

Source: yup.that.exists

#6 Pimp my beetle

Source: yup.that.exists

#7 "Here I am Will you send me an angel?"

Source: yup.that.exists

#8 No mothership in this cloud, move along

Source: yup.that.exists

#9 My cat: knocks everything off the top and sleeps there

Source: yup.that.exists


#10 And I can't even get good picture of my dog yawning!

Source: yup.that.exists

#11 Ducklin'

Source: yup.that.exists

#12 Now that's strong!

Source: yup.that.exists

#13 Genius idea

Source: yup.that.exists

#14 Portal developers would like a few words

Source: yup.that.exists

#15 Something that's actually useful

Source: yup.that.exists

#16 Beautiful

Source: yup.that.exists

#17 Looks glorious

Source: yup.that.exists

#18 Paving sergeon

Source: yup.that.exists

#19 Efficient

Source: yup.that.exists