22 Photos Of The Weirdest Office Mugs That You Will Ever See, As Shared By This Instagram Account

Emily Mahboobeh

Do you work in an office? If you do, you will probably be familiar with the fact that we often bring personal items to our workspaces, such as table plants, healthy snacks, and especially personalized mugs. A customizable mug allows us to express ourselves in various ways. However, not all customized mugs are lovely, as seen in the photos below.
From mugs that look like toilets to mugs stamped with questionable jokes, they are all shared by an Instagram account called Shite Mugs. Now let's dive into the land of corny and terrible mugs that people make at the office. We bet that even if you don't work in an office, these mugs will still make you laugh. Prove us wrong by scrolling down and checking out the weirdest office mugs pictures!

1. U-N-T? Oh, wait...

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

2. Cute birds

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

3. Daily reminder

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

4. and it's a smelly one

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

5. I hope the stain is part of the design

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

6. I'm an ARSE

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

7. "I can smell the pettiness from here"

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

8. Mugshot

Weirdest Office MugsSource: shtmugsatwork

9. The only motivation that matters

Source: shtmugsatwork

10. This mug is the SH!T

Source: shtmugsatwork

11. Noice!

Source: shtmugsatwork

12. Well...

Source: shtmugsatwork

13. "Just one cup" he said

Source: shtmugsatwork

14. Who would drink outta this?

Source: shtmugsatwork

15. I have so many questions...

Source: shtmugsatwork

16. Pot head

Source: shtmugsatwork

17. A little winkie Kanye for ya!

Source: shtmugsatwork

18. Congrats?

Source: shtmugsatwork

19. That's okay, I will skip the cream

Source: shtmugsatwork

20. Tell her I say "Hi"

Source: shtmugsatwork

21. "make tea not war"

Source: shtmugsatwork

22. Hmm...

Source: shtmugsatwork

23. I'll take their word for it...

Source: shtmugsatwork

24. Oh jeez!

Source: shtmugsatwork

25. One can live without candy, but one cannot live without bullets:

Source: shtmugsatwork

Do you have any ugly work mugs? We'd love to see them in the comments below!