Contrary to popular belief, real life on Earth is frequently untidy, chaotic, and rife with conflict and annoyance. People don't get along very well, which is just natural. On social media, arguments last for hours as egos are hurt and goals collide. As a result, some people lose control of their rage and start calling people names or, worse still, making threats. Oh, but this isn't the same kind of online slurs and threats you usually see.
Greetings from r/Rarethreats. The online community exchanges the most unusual insults, warnings, and threats to ever appear on the internet. The posts virtually ooze danger and are menacing (sometimes with a small side-order of humor). It's a fantastic treat for anyone who enjoys wordplay or just wants to add some brilliant strategies to their toolbox for perplexing and amusing their adversaries. The finest postings from r/Rarethreats may be found here. Let us know in the comments which of these terrified you the most. We've never enjoyed being threatened so much; the inventiveness here is truly amazing.
Greetings from r/Rarethreats. The online community exchanges the most unusual insults, warnings, and threats to ever appear on the internet. The posts virtually ooze danger and are menacing (sometimes with a small side-order of humor). It's a fantastic treat for anyone who enjoys wordplay or just wants to add some brilliant strategies to their toolbox for perplexing and amusing their adversaries. The finest postings from r/Rarethreats may be found here. Let us know in the comments which of these terrified you the most. We've never enjoyed being threatened so much; the inventiveness here is truly amazing.
#1 Don't leave your kids here
Source: Left4pillz
#2 I'll freaking disable you
Source: scheherazade0125
#3 Who's the right person?
Source: ivotedhillary1
#4 Merry Christmas everyone!
Source: MLG50
#5 Hey macaroni
Source: Left4pillz
#6 It ain't a dog
Source: Left4pillz
#7 W-wat
Source: supjoshlol
#8 Good luck cleaning
Source: Left4pillz
#9 I mean, how do you respond to this?
Source: GlitchGaminggirl
#10 Handshake
Source: ericcc211
#11 I'm scared and aroused
Source: Julian_JmK
#12 A sign i found at a restaurant some days ago. sorry for the potato quality, my phones camera is garbage
Source: ClairLestrange
#13 Who hurt you
Source: jamilDK
#14 You've done it now Josh
Source: Thatoneguy4314
#15 SunnyD is getting serious
Source: WastingSomeTimeAgain
#16 Cursed shoelaces
Source: nourelhalaby
#17 Just happened to me in among us
Source: omerty37
#18 Pukicho back at it again
Source: AmberMetalicScorpion
#19 This is rare
#20 An e-mail you don't want to be getting
Source: czarofel