37 Hilarious Tweets That Are Guaranteed To Make Your Laugh Muscles Cramp

Carolyn Mullet

They say that laughter is the best medicine. Twitter users just put it to the test. They seem to desire to drown the world in their salty ocean of jokes and sarcastic lines. Some are old but gold while some are a new horizon of cheesiness. When you find yourself drifting with the flow, there is no way to stop the laughter until your tears fill your face and your belly muscles hurt so badly.
The humorous people from Twitter strike again with these brilliant jokes that will make your day a little funnier. Their virally wild statements are sure to make you chuckle. There’s no way we’ll get tired of this endless series of 37 hilarious tweets. If you want to look for an extra mental vitamin, you know you should not miss these funny tweets from parents.
Below, we have 37 tweets for you to ramp up. Ready? Set! Go!

#1. Expectation Vs Reality

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @itsbombardier

#2. It was me

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @juliothesquare

#3. So accurate

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @fvckjudy_

#4. Touching story

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @brianasymoneee

#5. Cool, for sure

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @figgled

#6. Self reflect

37 hilarious tweetsSource: dankmemeuniversity.tumblr.com

#7. Oh, Twitter...

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @idontknowher6

#8. Safe and sound, no drama

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @xwinterendsx

#9. Even a herbivore sounds off

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @biggucci_idz

#10. Gotta give it all

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @xbasedxgoddess

#11. Be kind, man, be kind...

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @beycapital

#12. Don't reason with fairy tales!

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @belleionaire

#13. Just mix them!

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @belleionaire

#14. Now or never!

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @brokechicana

#15. The stomach has better hit the right notes

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @ahmayzinglucy

#16. A world full of champions

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @zach2302

#17. Mouth slip-up

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @makvest

#18. If he could get that idea

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @michellephamn

#19. Challenge to win it all

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @pxwertrip_

#20. Redeem, my bro!

37 hilarious tweetsSource: @dewayneperkins

#21. Disgusting counterpoint

Source: @jodecicry

#22. Sweet dreams leave for good. Nightmares stay for life.

Source: @nationally

#23. How about falling asleep anywhere and waking up on the best mattress?

Source: @leemchoneyzim

#24. Gotta put that in my note

Source: @richneville

#25. It's better than no hair, isn't it?

Source: @matthaugen

#26. Ha ha

Source: @sighbrattt

#27. When I made my first crime

Source: @imlowkeycool

#28. Why service targets Millenials

Source: @cottoncandaddy

#29. Full name: Kicked-Outta House

Source: @imteddybless

#30. How teamwork fails miserably

Source: @virtuallyluci

#31. Heartbreak and misery... Sike!!!

Source: @skinny_que

#32. Time for a revenge

Source: @meghanhibbs

#33. Amaaaazingggg!

Source: @fvkzay

#34. You must have loved to age fast

Source: @blanketgoblin

#35. Don't you dare burst out laughing!

Source: @sith_threepio

#36. Let's put grandma aside and play some guessing game!

Source: @dabigb00t

#37. When I be me and guys be guys

Source: @sjschauer

Which ones have just pressed your chuckling button? And which ones are top-rate according to you? Be sure to reveal it in the comment section below! Finally, smash the like-share button and follow us before clicking another fantastic link of ours!