If You're Feeling Down About The World, These Wholesome Images Will Lift You Up

Leona Martinez

Everyone wants to be happy. But for a variety of reasons, the media constantly feeds us with tons of bad news and sad news, such as mass shootings, terrorist attacks, wars, famine, etc., leading us to believe that only bad things happen in the world. But actually, there are a lot of good things going on that we might not be aware of. Why don't we ignore the negative news that makes us feel down and pay attention to the positive news instead?
Don't let the negative news bother you too much. To warm your heart, we have gathered some of the wholesome posts that have been shared around. Scroll down to check them out and enjoy. We hope that these posts will lift up your mood. Also, don't forget to share this collection with your friends and your family to bring smiles to their faces, then you will smile too.

#1. Go Willie!

Source: senilepigs55

#2. I just really needed everyone to see this

Source: corvvus

#3. There remain amazing people in this world...

Source: MyJelloJiggles

#4. "My pot of gold under the rainbow"

Source: me.me

#5. My Dad is adorable and his bad jokes always make me happy

Source: cslicemarie

#6. Absolutely losing it over this picture of my brother with his baby

Source: keri_wtf

#7. I told my grandma she looked cute today and she said she wanted to match her favorite chair lol

Source: djbewbz

#8. Total hero!

Source: grandecoconut20

#9. You did a good job, Nick

Source: allmodcons70

#10. Beautiful! He looks so handsome!

Source: vickto_willy

#11. My grandad was giving out cookies with his picture on them for his birthday today

Source: MayaDanielleP

#12. Pizza shop owner being a Pizza Bro

Source: letmegetinmyzone

#13. A good man

Source: cmdr_hadfield

#14. I am blown away. The generosity of this person is on another level. Came across it on my delivery route! If you see this, we love you!!

Source: Littlemack2

#15. Good people are everywhere

Source: lxnewsomex

#16. Adorable!!

Source: finah

#17. The devoted love of a mom

Source: AnnaKhadejah

#18. This is love

Source: itshobohere.tumblr.com

#19. His eyes tell everything

Source: sarahsequins

#20. You are more than kind

Source: anthonyshock

#21. This heart-warming story

Source: coleshinsky

#22. "What a man"

Source: madison_parker2

#23. Cow palace concert

Source: erinmherrmann

#24. OMG

Source: SilviuMajor