6 Celebrities Who Could Have "Actually" Married Co-Stars In Real Life

Jimmy Henton

It is often said that sometimes Movies perfectly reflect our real life. And to get the most realistic scenes, our brilliant actors can do anything to bring their movie characters to life. And, among multiple movie genres, the romantic movie is always considered the most emotional one which can make our heart skip a beat. When the romance and relationships in movies are handled well, we can laugh, cry, and even believe in love at first sight. Some well-known movie couples nailed it so that sometimes you could easily believe they were real. These are those celebrities who married co-stars off screen.
Since they express strong feelings and make us believe they genuinely love their on-screen partner, these actors are likely friends in real life. For example, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have starred in so many swoon-worthy films together and the feelings become so natural that you could easily presume their chemistry for actual love.
Here is a list of six of our favorite Hollywood celebrities marry real-life co-stars. Which is your favorite couple? Scroll down and let us know!

#1 Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in The Wedding Singer

celebrities who married co-starsSource: © The Wedding Singer / New Line Cinema and co-producers, 0070067/Reporter/East News

With The Wedding Singer, Blended, and 50 First Dates among their list of romantic movies, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have a plethora of on-screen nuptials that are convincing enough to pass for actual nuptials. It also doesn't help that Sandler has stated he is always eager to work with Barrymore once more whenever she is available.
Also very fond of Barrymore is Sandler. She truly is as calm and unflappable as he claimed, and he was right. “She just knows how to talk to you in a way that makes you think, ’Hmm, maybe we should talk about this.’ I always tell Drew everything when we talk.”

#2 Chiwetel Ejiofor and Keira Knightley in Love Actually

celebrities who married co-starsSource: © Love Actually / Universal Pictures and co-producers

Some actors leave an everlasting impression on you. That was Chiwetel Ejiofor's portrayal of Peter opposite Keira Knightley in the film Love Actually. “It’s Christmas to Valentine’s Day; everybody’s talking about the movie yearly, which is great,”, said Ejiofor. Ejiofor calls the movie “so completely romantic and optimistic,” despite its intricate plot.
He thinks that kind of love is something that people do seek. “They searched for it when the film was out. They seek it today, perhaps much more so. People want to connect with things that are upbeat, humorous, and full of optimism.” Additionally, Knightley thought it was a global love letter.

#3 Dane Cook and Kate Hudson in My Best Friend’s Girl

celebrities who married co-starsSource: © My Bestfriend's Girl / Lionsgate and co-producers, NPX/starmaxinc.com / East News

My Best Friend's Girl, a romantic comedy from 2008, starring Dane Cook, Jason Biggs, and Kate Hudson in the lead roles. The wedding sequence in the movie serves as a crash course in all the things that every bride and groom fear will go wrong on their big day. “I’m sure that anyone who doesn’t cry during that scene has no heart,” Hudson said in response to a question about how she felt while filming the wedding scene.
Cook contrasted this by saying, “You know when you meet someone, and you’re already trying to make plans with them?”  He knew right away that they would get along well from this point on.

#4 Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

celebrities who married co-starsSource: © Bram Stoker's Dracula / Columbia Pictures and co-producers, © Amanda Edwards / WIreImage / Getty Images

Bram Stoker's Dracula featured a scene that, according to Keanu Reeves, is the evidence he and co-star Winona Ryder have been married for the past 29 years. "We did an entire scene of a wedding with real priests. Winona says we are. The director says we are. So I guess everyone thinks we’re married now," Reeves said.
Ryder was the one who first revealed the accidental marriage to the public, so Reeves was simply confirming what Ryder had already said. Ryder replied, “No, I swear I think we’re married,” Ryder said. “The director used a real Romanian priest in that scene. So, I guess we’re engaged.”

#5 Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30

Source: © 13 Going on 30 / Revolution Studios and co-producer, © Dimitrios Kambouris / WireImage / Getty Images

“Can you believe it’s been 18 years since 13 Going on 30?” Jennifer Garner once questioned Mark Ruffalo. Then, about their upcoming film, The Adam Project, in which Walker Scobell will play their on-screen child, Ruffalo said to Garner, "It’s kind of like we got back together, so we can be parents in The Adam Project."
"We didn’t realize how much we needed or how amazing it felt to be together again. Making this film was a special experience, and its continued significance is a gift .”  The actress is overjoyed to have Ruffalo in her life after all these years. She stated, “We’ve been woven into each other’s lives without really being together. So it felt like we picked up right where we left off.”

#6 Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight Breaking Dawn

Source: © The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 / Summit Entertainment and co-producers, AFP/EAST NEWS

Given that she had read the Twilight books, Kristen Stewart recognized the importance of the wedding scene. The actress, therefore, put a lot of pressure on herself to succeed. She claimed in an interview that the real emotion she felt as the sequence was being filmed caused her anxiety.
She admitted, “I was nervous about the wedding scene.”  She started crying as soon as she saw the stage, which had seats and lights, as well as how everyone was dressed differently. “I could not leave that thing for a whole week. But it seemed like a formal event. The wedding appeared genuine.” She declared.