20 'Useless, Unsuccessful, And Unpopular' Signs That Are Useless Yet You Can't Turn Away

Leona Martinez

Social networking is one of the biggest phenomena in the past decade. Almost everyone in the world who has access to the Internet is a member of one or more social media platforms. Some participate in study groups where they can learn something new through the sharing of others. Others want to stay up-to-date with current events; therefore, they prefer to join newspaper groups to read the latest and breaking news. Yet others just want to relieve stress by reading and watching funny and entertaining things, so they join funny stuff-sharing groups.

If you love and look for bizarre groups, we would like to introduce the Facebook group 'Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Signage' (or 'UUU Signage') to you. As its name suggests, the members of this page constantly share the useless, unsuccessful, and unpopular signs they have come across. And those signs are the oddest things we've seen over the years. It would be a pity if we didn't share them with you. Therefore, we have collected some for you. Scroll down to check them out.
Here are signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'.

#1. These soda flavors are getting out of control

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Tom Murdock

#2. Found in a local shop. Idk kinda useful for me... I did leave a tip for the cause

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Taylor Alois

#3. Better stay away. These rum and cokes are ruining lives

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Christina Joy

#4. Useless, but very popular and successful in my book

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Amber Hamilton

#5. Took on my way to our local breakfast spot

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Dawn Watson

#6. Spotted in local brewery restroom

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Morgan Lindsay

#7. Spotted in Melbourne, Australia. I should add, I’m in agreement with this one, I don’t think it’s unpopular

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Michael Sabell

#8. Saw this today at the grocery store

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Alexa Elena

#9. This hangs in the bathroom at my new job. Funny but useless

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Lisa Kowalewski

#10. The talent

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Ash Solomon Mills

#11. Just gave me a chuckle on my walk

Source: Dana Scott

#12. Seen today at an antique store

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Naomi Smith

#13. A storm blew over my porch sign this week and I set it back up without paying attention. Walking to my front door just now I realized the “o” is now hidden behind the crate

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Heidi Larsen

#14. Sign on the door of the storage shed in the bar that I work at. We call it "the crying shed." If you've worked food service, you know. ? (admittedly, this sign gets lots of laughs and attention so it's actually pretty popular lol)

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Haley Smith

#15. Not exactly useless

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Josh Klauder

#16. Is this a joke or...?

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Courtney Eirlys

#17. On the back window of a van which was in front of me at a red light

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Robin Brock Broyles

#18. Jesus be a one-night stand!

Source: Lita Lotus

#19. Unsuccessful bc I counted them and only saw 17

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Amy Le

#20. July 4, 2011, on a lamppost in my neighborhood. I’m still confused 11 years later

signs of 'useless, unsuccessful, and unloved'Source: Pam Barger