Which “Attractive” Celebrities Do You Actually Find Unattractive?

Jessica Wilson

The world of celebrities is full of attractive and charming people who come in all shapes and sizes. They include award-winning actors and actresses, magazine cover models, chart-topping singers, and even talented athletes. Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, or Mila Kunis are ideal examples of the attractive celebrities we love to read on social media and in Entertainment magazines.
Many of them not only own physical beauty but also are pretty inside. They have found success through various avenues and use that as a platform for advocacy and philanthropy to highlight important matters such as the right of children, people of color, the LGBT community, refugees, and animals. They are changing the world for the better.
As crazy as it may seem, some of the best-looking famous people aren’t actually that attractive to some people. They might have perfect features but their lack of character leaves a less-than-stellar impression. According to Reddit users, we've rounded up some names.

#1 Pete Davidson

Source: Wikipedia

I will never understand the hype around Pete Davidson. He’s not even funny to me. (CandelaBelen)
I find him mildly funny but also sickly looking/goony. (loamobn)
He has fish lips. Looks like a Nick from Big Mouth. (slavnar95)

#2 Chrissy Teigen

Source: Wikimedia Commons

I saw a thing once pointing out how similar her head and face are to a basketball, and since then I've been unable to see her as anything other than sporting equipment. (Typical_Ad_210)
Take a good hard look, then imagine without makeup & Photoshop. Supermodel?... Plus historically she's been quite mean, although she seems to have changed her ways. (mrfixit19)

#3 Channing Tatum

Source: Pinterest

He just kinda looks like a thumb with a face. (Alternative-Yak6369)
He's so funny but I'm just not attracted to him at all. (insertusernameplease)
Channing Tatum looks like a chimp. (Adventurous-Career)

#4 Ed Sheeran

Source: @EdSheeran_EU

Ed Sheeran looks like a person at an interstate gas station in Indiana. (cxnnnamonroll)
Just looks like a hairy homeless orange. (achenx75)

#5 John Legend

Source: Wikipedia

He has a total baby face. (Jp_gamesta)
He looks like Yoshi. (little recce)

#6 Kim Kardashian

Source: Bollywood Biography

Kim Kardashian looks like a Walmart bag filled with mayonnaise. (hHerc Armstrong)
She had skin-tight ski pants on (presumably the best money can buy) and her large ass looked kinda ridiculously weird - like all out of proportion. She was super nice. and IMHO she is extremely pretty. Just a very tiny human. And that doesn't really come across in any tv show. (NorthImpossible8906)
I think her face is objectively easy to look at, but when you throw everything into the mix, it ends up being way too much. (loxagos_snake)

#7 Cardi.B

Source: The Wom Beauty

Cardi B looks like an inflatable sex doll that came to life with some sort of Pinocchio magic. (FictionVent)
Cardi knows she's not naturally attractive though. She's made comments about having messed up teeth and needing plastic surgery to look decent. That was her thing at one point. She brags she can be ugly but still get money because she was a good stripper and good at playing men. (ChanelDiner)

#8 Tom Cruise

Source: Disney Wiki

His teeth are off center! Drives me up the wall. (Turtley13)
I can see conventionally how he's attractive, but the fact that he's into Scientology makes him unattractive to me. (SuccessfulAd8810)

#9 Kylie Jenner

Source: kyliejenner

She was adorable before all the plastic surgery. And how does one maintain that for the rest of their life when it was begun at such a young age? Makes me think of the movie "Death Becomes Her" with the spackle and glue and spray paint keeping up their looks. (dodoatsandwiggets)

#10 Ryan Gosling

Source: Warner Bros.

Small eyes, a nose that reminds me of a popsicle stick, small smile, I don't get it. (stophittingthyself)