20+ Funny And Savage Tweets About Wedding Registries That'll Tickle You Till You Giggle

Leona Martinez

For those who are unaware, a wedding registry is a list of presents that newly engaged couples create for their wedding guests to know what they would want to receive on their special day. Thanks to the wedding registry, the wedding gift-giving experience will be made easier and more guided for their wedding guests as a result of the wedding registry. Traditionally, dishes and other home objects were the sole items included on a wedding registry, but nowadays, many engaged couples already live together, thus registries can include everything from gadgets to funds for the honeymoon of the newlyweds. As a result, some items on that list might be quite expensive.
It's understandable that you might feel under pressure before any wedding or you might feel a little petty when trying to find something cheap and suitable for your financial capacity. Not only you but many people out there also share the same feeling. And they are sharing their opinions about wedding registries with others on Twitter. And we have collected some of the best tweets. Scroll down and take a look.


Source: LukeMones


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Source: aparnapkin


Source: taylortrudon


Source: mollymcnearney


Source: MrEmilyHeller


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Source: bobby


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Source: whinecheezits


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Source: aparnapkin


Source: _gumshudaa


Source: 1followernodad


Source: taylortrudon


Source: LizHackett


Source: RiotGrlErin


Source: Annekinns


Source: taylortrudon