40+ Tweets From Parents Who Struggled To Deal With The Hilarious Antics Of Their Kids

Carolyn Mullet

Summer break is the time of the year that every child fancy. They are off-lessoned and don't have to wake up early every morning. Plus, they can go on trips and visit many family members and friends. They are living their best lives filled with relaxation and new funny things without homework and pressure. Moms and dads will take time to play and build a tighter bonding with their boys and girls.
That is what the others would describe summertime but not the parents. On Twitter, moms and dads whine about spending so much time with their kids that they wish to cream "those naughty little beasts aren't mine" even just for once. If it is a bit difficult to imagine the scene, we have a short series of stories' screencaps that will crack you up when you read them.
Let's see what the August parents have got to say right now!

#1 "Oh they did it, but mommy you said I couldn't do it?"

Source: Dad_At_Law

#2 You were laughing but she was probably really bummed out

Source: BunAndLeggings

#3 Ouch that hurts

Source: IHideFromMyKids

#4 I would not get involved either

Source: BunAndLeggings

#5 Also, its spelt B-E-S-T!

Source: KatieDeal99

#6 I love kids with old people's souls

Source: HomeWithPeanut

#7 Possible, but highly difficult, unless you love Metallica

Source: mom_needsalife

#8 My new favorite away message!

Source: KristenBott

#9 He knows his priorities

Source: HollyBallantine

#10 The kid wins

Source: threetimedaddy

#11 "I'm hungry!"

Source: BunAndLeggings

#12 This kid already has it pd out.

Source: sarcasticmommy4

#13 Congratulations!!

Source: copymama

#14 Method actor in making

Source: deloisivete

#15 "This is going to be the worst day of my life!"

Source: momsense_ensues

#16 Wednesday in Addams family ❤️

Source: ElyKreimendahl

#17 Speaking from experience

Source: mummabryan

#18 I’ve been camping my whole life ?

Source: TheCatWhisprer

#19 That's not a vacation, that's a business trip.

Source: Lottie_Poppie

#20 Just imagine waking up to hear your kid roasting you.

Source: MommyCocktail

#21 Living the dream!

Source: MarlaCaceres

#22 Sounds better than "standard"

Source: MumInBits

#23 I'm tired of babysitting my mom's grandkids every day.

Source: itssherifield

#24 When your kid starts school, you lose your name, you are just the "kid's" mum or dad.

Source: mom_tho

#25 If the mom is trans

Source: momsense_ensues

#26 Your daughter invited them

Source: emrandallwrites

#27 Show him an online video of a family going to an amusement park.

Source: SatiricalMommy

#28 Always easier to remember we love them when they're still and quiet.

Source: mom_tho

#29 17 is breakfast

Source: dadmann_walking

#30 It's been some of the best moments of my life.

Source: mollymcnearney

#31 When are they due? - Yesterday

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#32 Almost!? Who is this legendary other kid?

Source: Dad_At_Law

#33 Nope. Just took the stroller in there. Why shake the ticking time bomb?

Source: ej11lizzie

#34 No more, no less.

Source: notmythirdrodeo

#35 Hey mom, can you go choke somewhere else…thaaaaanks

Source: oneawkwardmom

#36 Bet you hate the rule now: "there are no favorites in our house."

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#37 Now that my daughter has grown up all I can say is sorry mom.

Source: IDontSpeakWhine

#38 She just tells me it's none of my business.

Source: kevinthedad

#39 Hey at least she was honest

Source: MumInBits

#40 And don't forget the green thumb!

Source: mommajessiec

#41 The kid is supportive

Source: ib_2cute

#42 An archeological discovery!

Source: dadmann_walking

Our little humans just don't fail to give their parents daily tasks as well as meaningful familial lives. If you feel like you want to share a piece of your mind, please say it out loud by leaving comments in the zone below! Finally, don't hesitate to hit the like-share button so that you can talk about kids with your families!