They are just several items that you don't expect to see unless somebody messes up. However, instead of causing a big fuss, the silly mistakes seem to pacify bystanders. You might be displeased the first time you see them. But then, the weirdness will stick to your mind and excite you. After that, you will giggle like a child catching a new funny joke. Finally, you form a new habit: imagine random things into hilarity.
Some of those are on purpose while others are purely by chance. Anyway, it's good to know that a small glimpse of happiness can be found anywhere and is priceless. Everyone just needs to set their minds free and catch it. Here are nineteen smile-inducing snapshots from internet users who were cheered up by that random silliness and wanted to share it with others.
Let's prepare to get our minds stuck with weird ideas and images! Here are examples of funny stories.
Some of those are on purpose while others are purely by chance. Anyway, it's good to know that a small glimpse of happiness can be found anywhere and is priceless. Everyone just needs to set their minds free and catch it. Here are nineteen smile-inducing snapshots from internet users who were cheered up by that random silliness and wanted to share it with others.
Let's prepare to get our minds stuck with weird ideas and images! Here are examples of funny stories.
#1 What a cyber-thief looks like:
Source: © PureEngine / reddit
#2 Guilty as charged...
Source: © Palifaith / reddit
#3 The Indian police had a guy dress up as The God of Death to chase people not wearing helmets.
Source: © rjunicorn / reddit
#4 Monks with “Nirvana” merchandise
Source: © inteleligent / reddit
#5 This church sign in my hometown gets it.
Source: © ImNotGabe125 / reddit
#6 When dads protest:
Source: © mcr1166 / reddit
#7 Canadian bathroom graffiti
Source: © Crazyman_2644 / reddit
#8 Lara Croft cosplay: nailed it
Source: © austronomer99 / reddit
#9 Face swapped with my 2-year-old. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.
Source: © ClericJack / reddit
#10 The floor is lava!
Source: © katie0873 / reddit
#11 This guy applied to work at my store. I really hope he means ’stocker’.
Source: © HankPymp / reddit
#12 These arcade chairs have seen some stuff.
Source: © OfficialOnslot / reddit
#13 Lunchtime
Source: © oddlydikkied / reddit
#14 This horse farmer has a sense of humor.
Source: © hushaker / reddit
#15 Having some fun at Bed Bath and Beyond with the girlfriend.
Source: unknown
#16 I-90 Chicago sign
Source: © Slyguy593 / reddit
#17 This bathroom that has an encouraging picture instead of a mirror
Source: © RaspberrySodaPop / reddit
#18 I’m beginning to worry that my cat and I might be too close.
Source: © aeriat / reddit
#19 It’s just too hot, man!
Source: © acwlong / reddit
Next time you pass by any abstractly funny sight like this, don't hesitate to capture the moment and share it with the world! Lastly, why don't you hit the like-share button and leave a comment in the zone below so we'll meet again soon?