49 Accurate Names Kids Come Up For Things That Sound Way Better Than The Original

Emily Mahboobeh

We are all aware of how creative and imaginative children can be, especially when it comes to language. They are still young and have a limited vocabulary, but they can still find a way to overcome this obstacle. That’s fantastic because they don’t hesitate to play with language and create new, inventive sayings. Sometimes a child’s literal use of words can even result in some very insightful and perceptive names.
At first, these silly words can make you laugh, but then you will realize they make lots of sense. Below, we have compiled a few of our favorite alternative names for you to learn and incorporate into your vocabulary.

#1 Tears a.k.a wet drops of sad.

Source: LetMeStart


#2 Go-to-heaven parties. A sweet and positive name for funerals.

Source: knowyourmeme

A way to put the FUN in Funeral.

#3 Don’t know the word “thirsty”? Just use water craving.

Source: imgflip

#4 Bunny’s tail is what my daughter calls her hair when it doesn’t look like a ponytail.

Source: Pinterest

Makes sense.

#5 Way cooler than ice cubes.

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#6 What do you call a pair of pants? A long-shorts.

Source: zaful

With fashion these days, the kid is absolutely getting it right!

#7 Stone garden is a less scary version of the graveyard.

Source: memeguy

Someone is just begging for a zombie apocalypse...

#8 “Exclamation point? I call it the excited mark”, said a kid.

Source: newmemesupdate

#9 Fun muffins - An excellent name for cupcakes.

Source: memesmonkey

#10 "Beard" and "grass": you have to shave them at some point or they'll grow.

Source: janna_rpw

#11 "Drunken donuts" needs to happen!

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#12 What do you hear when nobody laughs at your joke? - A kid tried to explain that she heard crickets outdoors.

Source: LightofJah

A future comdian in the making.

#13 Who needs sleeves when you have “armpit makeup”:

Source: StephenAmell

Also, it is scented.

#14 Raw toast is the new name for bread.

Source: Pinterest

"I prefer my toast medium rare, not raw."

#15 "Quoth the Halloween eagle, nevermore"

Source: TessaDare

#16 Milk is actually cereal water, said a 5-years-old.

Source: imgur

Well... It is accurate.

#17 Animal prison - An unexpected way to see the zoo.

Source: Pinterest

#18 Is..is this the meaning behind "boneless pizza"??

Source: Skorpeo

#19 Seagulls are beach chickens.

Source: knowyourmeme

#20 “Mouth farts? What are mouth farts? Oh, you mean burps.”

Source: purppuma

#21 "Watermelon? What is a watermelon? I call them fat cucumber.”

Source: imgur

#22 “Tiny jails for your teeth.”

Source: Lhlodder

That's exactly what they look like, and it's amazing no one has said this before.

#23 T-rex deer is a simple yet accurate way to call kangaroo.

Source: imgur

#24 Pasta cake is a creative name for lasagna.

Source: me

#25 Can you get what a plane field is? It’s an airplane store.

Source: JimGaffigan

#26 "Mommy I want more porksicles", just a 6-years-old asks for more ribs

Source: imgur

#27 Sleep movie - An accurate name for a dream.

Source: DTTW_Podcast

#28 Helicopter fly - A new name for a dragonfly.

Source: smoxh

#29 Battle unicorn - a magical name for rhino.

Source: ZoesZooYouTube

#30 Lighter is now “pocket dragon”.

Source: imgur

#31 Clouds, also known as fluffy ghosts of the sky.

Source: Pinterest

#32 Cute and very accurate.

Source: aknott21

#33 Don’t know what a butterfly is? Just call it a colorful fly.

Source: Pinterest

#34 Orange meat cookies! Now that’s an accurate name for chicken nuggets

Source: oneawkwardmom

#35 Now he's suing his mom for stealing his joke.

Source: GrantTanaka

#36 Mexican grilled cheese? She means quesadillas.

Source: imgflip

#37 Water trucks make more sense than fire trucks.

Source: imgflip

#38 Sugar bagels are new donuts.

Source: freeimages

Both delicious!

#39 One kid doesn’t know what an octopus is. So she just called it an 8-legs turtle.

Source: sadanduseless


#40 "Snack hole"

Source: RebeccaCaprara

Coincidentally, that is what I call my mouth.

#41 Mosquitoes are indeed “vampire flies”

Source: istockphoto

#42 Who’s a car vet? It’s a mechanic.

Source: istockphoto

#43 My daughter called gray: "dirty white".

Source: flickr

Mine kiddo called grey "light black".

#44 Short-neck chicken is a better name for owls.

Source: flickr

#45 It is called ecnalubma, but "wee woo truck" sounds so much better

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#46 Humidity is too complicated. Let’s stick with solid air.

Source: diffuser

She means diffuser LOL.

#47 A bathroom jacket is what this kid called a rope.

Source: istockphoto

#48 Germ poison is a great alternative for hand sanitizers.

Source: hellobello

#49 “secret diarrhea” That’s absolutely adorable please never correct her.

Source: momtransparent1

Has your child ever done something like this? Share with us in the comments section below!