The following article will provide you with gendered marketing tactics that are meaningless, giving you a different viewpoint of marketing. Let’s get started!
#1 Nooo, not the Pocky.
Source: ShamusKhan
#2 So, are all women vegan?
Source: PaulaArcari
#3 They have to be joking, but still...
Source: HeroicGirls
#4 Even bread? How?
Source: phoenix_7_9
#5 Toothpaste for men... but only at night.
Source: TheRidleyJones
#6 Why didn’t count previous women winners?
Source: reillyskye_x
#7 See that it has been ENGINEERED like other cool manly things such as cars and lawnmowers, but we ended up with chapstick.
Source: Pinterest
#8 How to tell time like a man"
Source: Pinterest
#9 This bathtub:
Source: OllieDiggleDo
#10 Finally, women can tell the time.
Source: stonecatstudio1
#11 Heads-up: girls can’t touch these letters.
Source: Pinterest
#12 Juice package for him and for her... Seriously?
Source: Elisa_Klein_
#13 And it’s only $49.99!
Source: Reddit
Well the left elbow isn't gonna clean itself
#14 Intelligence 3?
Source: MsAndrea
Wow, they really made her inferior to him in EVERY WAY didn't they??
#15 Boy: blue with football. Girl: pink with teddy. This little cutie's face said it all.
Source: MerithsMisc
#16 Did you know men's hair is so powerful it would break a regular comb?
Source: Pinterest
#17 According to Fitbit: Men want to look smart, and women want to look... pink.
Source: JoeSchofield0
#18 Should have given the woman's hand a dress as well just to make sure.
Source: conorsmith
#19 Pointlessly gendered and homophobic at the same time.
Source: Haebak
If they asked for their age would they say 24 years old or answer: "more than 23 and less then 25"?#20 Real men guess what they look like
Source: judges119
"Is it gay to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known?"#21 "Man town"?
Source: ChsSmth47
#22 WTF is this???
Source: dreamer-imfinite
The gendering isn't the most concerning part of this image.
#23 Every Hallmark Christmas movie: green is man, red is woman.
Source: Slight_Knee_silly
It's ok, only Christian moms watch these.
#24 They didn’t even stop at War Paint. It’s WAR PAINT FOR MEN.
Source: Disfordonuts
Also, it has to be in a black container with no indication of color tone.
#25 Communicating with spirits and ghosts... but in a girly way:
Source: TheSapphicEnby
#26 Or maybe just gendering chocolate is dumb?
Source: DanielM4713
#27 Girly diaper bag?
Source: browncoat619
"Fathering a child? Sounds pretty girly to me"
#28 "But... I want yellow"
Source: OttersRule85
#29 Gender-appropriate "fun"
Source: Yensil314
Yikes.#30 Silky foam for lady's ears.
Source: casualmex
Men don't touch!#31 Why can't girls be brave and boys be handsome as well?
Source: HeroicGirls
#32 We lost for words.
Source: histam_ine
The text is awful, but both handles are left-aligned even though they open from opposite sides too??#33 Same items inside... Hers costs 30% more.
Source: RosieStarling
The pink colorant must be so expensive!
#34 Just in case your macho bravado isn’t proof enough that you’re a man:
Source: willowtrace
Gotta cover that Adam’s Apple, keep it safe.
#35 Must be manly even while sheet masking.
Source: bubblegutteralguts
"I'm gonna wear one of these to moisturize while robbing a bank."#36 It starts early... my antenatal clinic shows how boys and girls kick differently in the womb.
Source: Paclerin
The bottom left is so ominous... you will feed.
#37 Et Tu, spaghetti measuring tool?
Source: Carras1982
Oh boy, I must have double the man or teenager proportion my entire life.#38 Girls live on a different planet:
Source: awildjord
Once a month we all walk to the shore, stand over the ocean, and chant “bleed bleed bleed” in unison.#39 Building an empire, one Q-tip at a time.
Source: YourAuntySocial
Speechless... makeup wipes next?#40 Which brunch are you: man, woman, or waffle?
Source: jesslhnolan
"EXCUSE ME, I IDENTIFY AS A WAFFLE"Which picture or marketing tactic shocked you the most? Make sure to tell us in the comment section below!