These 15 Awful Makeups Will Make You Feel Naturally Good-Looking

Robert Whitman-Byrne

One is supposed to appear appropriate when wearing makeup. However, it's also not a good idea to have too much of a good thing. Many people have a propensity to overdo their makeup, resulting in a clownish appearance rather than an appealing appearance. If you've never come across someone wearing a lot of makeup, a Subreddit community called Bad Makeup Artists is committed to exposing it. Without a question, cosmetics can either make or break a woman's day. Makeup has shown to be both a best friend and an enemy, serving as the best remedy for hiding flaws.
You can see that cosmetics can be an adversary when you take a look at these amusing makeup blunders. If you enjoy applying makeup to your face but are still a beginner, it is preferable to seek expert advice or possibly enroll in a makeup course. After transforming your face into a painting book, you wouldn't want to come across as being a moron. Prepare to be amazed as you peruse the funniest makeup disasters ever.
The Terrible Makeup Artists subreddit group's moderators say that bad makeup could signify different things to different people and point out that there are a variety of entries there. The page specifically highlights improper cosmetic application, poor foundation color matching, lack of blending, and even untidy lines, among other things. However, some people do upload pictures just for fun or to prank their least favorite celebs.

#1 ‘it’s not a bad look but all that highlight above the lip looks like a milk mustache’

Source: coolsoop -Via

#2 whoever did this makeup for the show should be sued

Source: Depraysie -Via

#3 right is her natural skin color while left color is….yikes

Source:  iliedim-dyinginside -Via

#4 ‘in the trailer for new season of kuwtk: girl, you own a makeup company. how can you get this wrong?

Source: JaneOLantern -Via

#5 ‘they did her dirty.’ check out her face and skin color

Source: tuttisofi -Via

The Terrible Makeup Artists subreddit group's moderators say that bad makeup could signify different things to different people and point out that there are a variety of entries there. The page specifically highlights improper cosmetic application, poor foundation color matching, lack of blending, and even untidy lines, among other things. However, some people do upload pictures just for fun or to prank their least favorite celebs.

#6 The awful color match

Source: replickady -Via

#7 she visited the worst reviewed makeup artist in her city

Source: mangobutter6179 -Via

#8 that shade would even be too dark for me and i’m not even white

Source: who_nobody

#9 Her chest !

Source: suzyvogue

#10 Oh dear

Source: dhomudita

#11 tiktok ad for eyebrow stencil

Source: Boothanew

#12 all of the makeup artist’s looks are like this! their clients look scary

Source:  yuurixo

#13 her eyes look tired from all the heavy lifting

Source:  sosofte

#14 steve carrell and will ferrell presenting the award for best makeup at the oscars

Source: sammeb123

#15 caption said: a soft smokey look

Source: Ellamakeup