Snow White is the youngest princess because she is 14 years old, Tiana is the only princess with a job who still works after becoming royalty. We pretty much know all there is to know about them. We know pretty much everything there is to know about the
Disney princesses, but what about their men?
Though Disney princes don't quite get the same spotlight as their princesses, they're certainly just as important. Whether they are the main character in one or the supporting role, all of them have an important impact on their respective films. With their charming personalities and striking good looks, these royal men have stolen our hearts from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" to the latest movie.
According to the Disney brand, there are only eleven official Disney Princes, but the unofficial ones have noble hearts and great qualities that make them worthy of the title. Therefore, it’s no wonder we want to know details about Disney princes are often left out. In this comprehensive guide to all Disney princes, we’ll look at
details about Disney princes are often left out to see what makes them so special. So put on your glass slipper and get ready to explore!
#1 Hans is the only Disney prince to be a villain
Source: © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
Hans is the only Disney prince who is actually a villain. This is strange because he presents himself as a gentleman who understands the loneliness of the princess and can win her over after they first meet. While many villains were pretending to be good at Disney, Hans did not provide any indication that he was malicious. He managed to hide his true nature until almost the end of the movie.
#2 Flynn was supposed to be a villain
Source: © Tangled / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
The producers of "Tangled" sought to stray from the traditional Disney male hero because they sometimes thought they were “rather soft”. So they decided that Flynn should be a charming and charismatic robber rather than a prince. This adds a worldly touch to contrast with Rapunzel’s limited perspective of the outside world.
#3 Naveen kissed Tiana four times
Source: © The Princess and the Frog / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
Almost at the beginning of the movie The Princess and the Frog, Tiana kissed Naveen when he was an animal. After that, they have some other kisses: once they're frogs, once they're saved, and once at their wedding. Therefore, they are the couple that has kissed the most in Disney movies.
#4 Eric was the first prince to be saved by his princess
Source: © The Little Mermaid / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
Disney princesses are almost always saved by their love. But in "The Little Mermaid", Eric became the first prince to be saved by his princess. In fact, during the film, Ariel rescued him twice: once when he fell into the sea and once when he confronted Ursula.
#5 Eric was the only Disney prince to have a daughter
Source: © The Little Mermaid II / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
Even while several Disney princess films had sequels, it's only in "The Little Mermaid" that the main couple is seen forming a family. Ariel and Prince Eric have a little girl named Melody, whom he cared for with great affection. He even dispatched a full armada to find her when she escaped to the bottom of the sea.
#6 John Smith really existed
Source: © Pocahontas / The Walt Disney Studios and co-producers, © STC 22790, Houghton Library, Harvard University / Wikimedia Commons, © CC0 1.0
There was a soldier and adventurer named John Smith, who was taken prisoner by the Indians after settling in their territory. Although that has never been proven, it is thought that he was saved by a girl from the tribe that kidnapped him. In addition to a different appearance from the actual character, the Disney version of John Smith also has a different personality. The fictional Smith is kind and polite, in contrast to the actual Smith, who is dictatorial and has a harsh attitude. He is also much older than Pocahontas, and records show that they were never actually romantically involved.
#7 John Smith did not live with his princess
Source: © Pocahontas / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers, © Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World / Disney Television Animation and co-producers
John Smith had to go back to England for medical treatment because he was injured in the first part of "Pocahontas". Pocahontas declined his invitation to come with him because she believed her tribe needed her. Smith also invited her to travel the world in the sequel. But this time, Pocahontas had no longer feelings for him. Then he decided to let her go and go on his adventure.
#8 The feather in Aladdin’s turban indicated when he was telling a lie
Source: © Aladdin / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
When Aladdin first meets Jasmine, he pretended to be Prince Ali. He put on a phony façade out of concern that she wouldn't accept him for who he was, which truly annoyed Jasmine. Additionally, the feather on his hat would flop over each time he lied.
#9 Aladdin is the only Disney prince to play a prominent role
Source: © Aladdin / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
Aladdin is the only movie in the "Disney princess" series to have a prince as the main character. In addition, he was the first to marry a princess to acquire his royal title.
#10 Li Shang was the first Disney prince who doesn't kiss the princess
Source: © Mulan / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
In the first Mulan movie, despite their attraction to one another, Li Shang never kissed Mulan. He was also the first Disney prince to express appreciation and admiration for the heroine's qualities.
#11 Prince Charming should have had a bigger role in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
Source: © Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / Walt Disney Productions and co-producers
In "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", the Prince is probably the least-appearing character on screen, as he only appears at the beginning and end of the film. He was planned to have greater relevance, but the creators reduced his sequences because of issues with the animation.
#12 Prince Phillip was the first prince who had a real name
Source: © Cinderella / Walt Disney Productions and co-producers, © Sleeping Beauty / Walt Disney Productions and co-producers
While the names of the princes in "Snow White" and "Cinderella" are never revealed, in "Sleeping Beauty" it is mentioned at several points in the story. In addition, he is the first prince to have more dialogue than his predecessors and to defeat a villain.
#13 Naveen and Beast are 2 princes who have an animal form
Source: © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers, © The Princess and the Frog / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
In the movies "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Princess and the Frog," the princes spend a significant part of the story hiding their human forms. Prince Naveen only seems to be human at the start of the film and the climax, and the Beast reclaims his human form at the beginning and near the end.
#14 Kristoff and Li Shang are tertiary characters
Source: © Mulan / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers, © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
Both Li Shang from "Mulan" and Kristoff from "Frozen" are tertiary characters in their movies. They have other similarities such as being thoughtful, reserved, and rational, as opposed to the princesses who have a more adventurous spirit. Additionally, none of them were married until the sequels.
#15 The Beast was inspired by buffalo
Source: © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
The creator of the character’s design said that the Beast was inspired by the head of a buffalo. But he also included other
animals such as a wild boar, a lion, a gorilla, a bear, and a wolf, in his works. He intended to create an animal-like form to depart from the alien version of the original tale.