In Hollywood, where on-screen bonds usually echo real-life connections, there's a less glamorous side: co-stars who simply can't stand each other. Beyond the friendly facade, some actors have developed a genuine dislike that goes beyond the roles they play.
Whether it's clashing personalities or the strain of long hours on set, these pairs are considered lifelong enemies. Get ready for a glimpse behind the scenes into the not-so-friendly dynamics of Hollywood co-stars.
#1. Geena Davis and Bill Murray

In 2021, Geena Davis made headlines for revealing a difficult working relationship with Bill Murray during the filming of 'Quick Change' in 1990. Davis detailed instances of Murray's abusive behavior on set in her memoir, 'Dying of Politeness.'
In a recent interview with Kara Swisher, Davis shared an incident from the first day of shooting, involving a scene with many extras in Manhattan. While in costume, the assistant director instructed her to wait, having received permission from the costume department.
#2. Jonah Hill and Christopher Mintz-Plass

#3. Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte

#4. Josh Peck and Drake Bell

Josh Peck and Drake Bell, former stars of the Nickelodeon show 'Drake and Josh,' had a complicated relationship after the series ended. The rift became evident when Peck didn't invite Bell to his 2017 wedding, citing a lack of recent contact.
Bell responded with aggressive messages on the wedding night and publicly addressed not being invited, leading to online attacks against Peck's wife. Despite occasional public appearances together, Peck emphasized that they are not friends.
#5. Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall, who co-starred in 'Sex and the City,' had a strained off-screen relationship. Reports suggest Cattrall resented Parker's higher salary, and Parker disapproved of Cattrall's character gaining popularity among fans.
#6. Jensen Ackles and Jessica Alba

#7. Alexa Nikolas and Jamie Lynn Spears

#8. Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson

#9. Leonardo DiCaprio & Claire Danes

Despite the undeniable allure of young Leonardo DiCaprio, his Romeo + Juliet co-star, Claire Danes, didn't fall for his charms. Rumor has it that during filming, Danes, who found DiCaprio to be a bit of a prankster on set, considered him too immature. In turn, DiCaprio thought she was too uptight. The two reportedly spent as much time apart behind the scenes as possible.
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