9 Movie Tricks No One Knows Apart From Directors

Jessica Wilson

Making a film is no child’s play but is far more complicated than you imagined. It’s not just about memorizing the scripts and recording scenes. Even a five-minute scene that feels natural on the screen goes through a plethora of scripts, edits, and touches. The behind-the-scenes is completely different from the final product that we get on the screen. Directors use movie tricks to create moments that are imprinted on viewers’ minds. Thanks to them, ordinary scenes turn into super intense ones.
We’ve collected some tricks that directors apply to make the movie better. Now, get your popcorn ready, we’re about to find out how on earth they do this.

#1 Bad guys don’t use Apple products

Source: © Knives Out / Lionsgate© The Intern / Warner Bros.

The director of Knives Out, Rian Johnson, shared a funny detail in his movie: bad guys never use an Apple product in their hands. The filmmakers can use their devices under one condition: only good guys can use them.

#2 In the past, 3D-films made people dizzy more often than today

Source: © Avatar / 20th Century Fox© Alita: Battle Angel / 20th Century Fox

3D-movies are more popular. Filmmakers have tried to create 3D-objects that fly by very fast so viewers can’t catch them. Although many moviegoers try to react as if they were real, in the end, the brain just tenses up the eye muscles, which leads to dizziness, headache, and nausea.

#3 The children starring in horror films often don’t know what the film is about

Source: © The Shining / Warner Bros.

It is a fact that the children in horror Movies aren’t aware that they are acting in them. They almost don’t know what happens in the movie. On the set, from music and the sounds to costumes, they look funny rather than scary in real life.

#4 The scenes with mirrors are some of the most difficult ones to make

Source: © Terminator 2 / Carolco Pictures

The scenes near mirrors have to be made so carefully to make sure that no cameras or lights include. For example, in Terminator 2, they decided to use stuntmen and dummies.

#5 Sometimes, directors make bloopers on purpose

Source: © The Dark Knight Rises / Warner Bros. Pictures© The Dark Knight Rises / Warner Bros. Pictures

Sometimes, goofs are made on purpose. Some directors think that it can arise viewers’ interest. For instance, in “The Dark Knight Rises”, Batman enters a tunnel during the day and exits it in darkness.

#6 There is a special company that provides snow for Hollywood films

Source: © Joy / Annapurna Pictures© The Revenant / Regency Enterprises

Almost snow in movies is fake. There is a company called Snow Business that provides them to film crews. The company is established in 1983 and produces about 200 different kinds of snow. Using real snow is so difficult because it melts under the cameras.

#7 Extras can’t look directly into the camera and they can even be fired for this

Source: © The Iron Lady / 20th Century Fox

If extras look into the camera, they could be fired. They also don’t wear white clothes to not take the attention away from the main focus of the scene.

#8 In movies, they rarely use real food

Source: © Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. Pictures

Many might not know that most foods in movies are fake. Do you remember the foods in the Great Hall in the “Harry Potter” movies? They look real at first glance but in fact, they are made of resin.

#9 There is a reason why the background has to be green for creating special effects

Source: © ViktorStudiosOficial / YouTube© ViktorStudiosOficial / YouTube

Because green is far from the colors of the human eye so it’s chosen to use in the background during creating special effects. This trick helps to significantly reduce the time it takes to edit the scenes.