The villains in a story always manage to get our attention, and occasionally we even feel sorry for them. According to the findings of one study, the darker sides of people's personalities are the sides that most appeal to them. This enables us to acknowledge the shadowy sides of ourselves without fear. So if you prefer the most attractive villains in the movie, you're not alone. The following is a list of the top nine antiheroes that the general public finds appealing.
9. Gaston
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If framed differently, he becomes the protagonist. The guy doesn't do anything wrong except maybe assume the beast is a bad guy, which isn't totally out of the question.8. Bellatrix Lestrange
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As far back as anyone can remember, Bellatrix has been portrayed as a once-beautiful person with faded beauty thanks to her time spent in Azkaban. The movie's depiction was spot-on in my opinion.7. Pennywise
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I'll give it to Bill Skarsgard; he has that Steve Buscemi-esque quality of off-putting oddness that belies an abundance of charisma and charm.6. Joker - The Dark Knight
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He has an oddly noble air about him. He is willing to battle for a cause that is based on nothing but nihilism. Unlike other villains, he isn't a hedonist who just wants to enjoy life as much as possible. And that's what makes him so damn endearing.5. Hannibal Lecter
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He's not someone you'd automatically warm up to, but studying him would be fascinating. In one person, he embodies the best and worst of humanity.4. Ramsay Bolton
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First saw him in Misfits, where he was endearing (though a little weird), thus was pleasantly surprised to see him in Game of Thrones.3. Draco Malfoy
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It's not that I find Draco more 'beautiful,' but rather that I find his story more intriguing. I think it's important for him to have his tale told, thus I'd want to see more scenes from his perspective.2. Harley Quinn
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Completely mad, Harley Quinn Robbie. Before I saw her as Harley Quinn, I didn't even find her attractive (though I knew she was objectively beautiful). Then I was like, ’Omg!!’ And I fell in love.”1. Loki
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