9 Details From "Wednesday" That May Be Inspired By Harry Potter

Elise Feyrer

Wednesday is extremely well-liked, and recent episodes have broken records for viewership. However, attentive viewers will find it difficult not to draw comparisons between this series and another successful film franchise: the Harry Potter films. We have discovered that they have quite a few similarities, but we think that these commonalities serve to strengthen the series overall.

1. The Movement

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

The classic "beautiful girl gets ready for the ball, comes down the stairs, and stuns everyone with her outfit" is a fan favorite. Many movies use this device, and it's become almost cliche. Wednesday's appearance at the event was still very similar to Hermione's at the Yule ball.

2. Botany Teacher

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

The Wednesday team videotaped Thornhill's class in a fashion reminiscent to the equivalent scenario in Harry Potter. Granted, Harry Potter's equivalent was a magic lesson, but the parallels are clear.

3. Statue

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

Statues in the actual world don't walk about. Wednesday and Harry Potter, on the other hand, take place in a fantastical universe. Statues, in both cases, responded to a secret password (snapping one's fingers or saying a code phrase).

4. The Headmaster

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

Larissa Weems was portrayed as Nevermore High School's upstanding principal. She took all necessary measures to safeguard the pupils and the institution's good name. Still, the reality that she lied about anything is impossible to deny. Hogwarts' headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, wasn't exactly a pleb. When it came to his pupils, he was always there for them and was very supportive. However, not all of his actions were beneficial. Others were hurt by his manipulation and lied to Harry.

5. The Ball Thing

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

A ball is held annually in Nevermore, but not at Hogwarts. Only once, at the Triwizard Tournament, did we see this in Harry Potter. Even yet, the balls were still remarkably similar to one another. The instructors feel out of place with winter decorations everywhere and a hip DJ or band playing on stage.

6. Sports Competition

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

Each year, high school students in Nevermore compete for the Po cup. This occurs on boats and broomsticks in the Harry Potter series. To the naked eye, there is little resemblance. If you look at the spectator areas, you'll see some striking parallels. Four distinct groupings are represented by a color and rooting for a particular athlete.

7. Werewolves

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

A werewolf's presence in a magical tale is not ordinary. But notice how the changes were portrayed. It's Professor Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and it's Enid on Wednesday. Each camera perspective is nearly identical to the others.

8. Villain’s Resurrection

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

Joseph Crackstone and Voldemort are the story's antagonists. At the beginning of the narrative, everyone assumes that they are dead. However, their devoted followers ensure they are resurrected to carry out their nefarious deeds.

9. The Heir

Source: Wednesday & Harry Potter

Harry received a gift from his father on his first Christmas at Hogwarts: an invisibility cloak. Later, he used it throughout his travels, and it isn't easy to imagine how things would have progressed if he hadn't had it. The Wednesdays gave Wednesday the Thing. The girl's adjustment was his responsibility, so he was dispatched to check up on her. But she was successful in recruiting him, and his services proved invaluable. A book may keep him company, he might assist her in hiding, or he could seek assistance.