15 Worst Tattoos Ever To Make Your Day

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Nowadays, getting tattoos is a means to express oneself. Therefore, while choosing to tattoo their bodies, the majority of people typically select the greatest designs and tattoo artists. However, occasionally people don't consider things through before getting some outrageous tattoo on their bodies, and occasionally a tattoo artist screws up and leaves people with scars instead of lovely tattoos.
They warn you that you'll regret it, that you'll grow tired of it, that it will make you appear older, and so on. Even though we know it to be untrue, there is still prejudice against tattoos, although it mostly comes from those whose skin is as blank as a paper. Tattoos are more than just a financial investment; they also reveal the amount of time, effort, and study that went into creating a specific work of ink art. "Getting a decent tattoo can occasionally be a highly complicated process that involves traveling to see a particular artist. Things like this might reveal a tattooed person's expertise, patience, and commitment.
You may find all kinds of amusing and unusual tattoos in the Reddit community "Shitty Tattoos." Despite the fact that tattoos are permanent, according to Jordan, a person we interviewed on Reddit, he considers getting a poor tattoo to be a badge of honor. It serves as a reminder of our carefree youth and how we all believed we were unstoppable.
Some people never get over their joy and happiness, and they treasure their tattoos for the rest of their lives. Others may feel regret starting as soon as the following day. To avoid the "post-tattoo blues," thoroughly consider every aspect of your ink work. It's best to be ready because every small factor, from style to body location, affects the outcome. The simplest and safest approach to prevent your tattoo from being on the Shitty Tattoos subreddit is to consult with a few tattoo artists to ensure they understand your vision well.
The Shitty Tattoos community makes an effort to avoid tasteless tattoos, and directs them to /r/ATBGE for that. "Since then, terrible lines, smudges, blowouts, unattractive coloring, bad placement, and amateurish aesthetics are repeating characteristics in crappy tattoos that show up here. Many tacky tattoos still captivate people because they make our bodies look like doodle pages.

#1 If it's up, then it's up, then it's up, then it's stuck!

Source: Rainbow_Soul_Poet

#2 Mom knows best

Source: FourSeasonsMoving

#3 Thankfully she had the first “artist” stop before it was too late to save

Source: anywhereplease

#4 Beautiful cultural tattoos

Source: ilovegecko

#5 I drunkenly tattooed some inspiration on myself from Nessie

Source: reddit.com

#6 Found on IG. This makes me appreciate all my tattoos

Source: rainbow-sparklz

#7 Got a s**tty tattoo today! girlfriend is starting out trying to learn how to tattoo and i thought it'd be fun to get her to tattoo me. obviously wasn't expecting much. i think the sloppy lines really add to the character of a depressed ratatouille!

Source: Chemo55

#8 I think it's eye catching

Source: kittenshateme

#9 “O no! can you remove that s?” “say no more, fam”

Source: bobby2286

#10 Friend bought a tattoo gun on amazon for £100. tattooed darth vader on himself

Source: reddit.com

#11 Playboy can’t wait to go to the beach to show it off

Source: multipleklarts

#12 Some guy tried to copy my tattoo artist’s work – nipple tattooed on his arm

Source: samusxmetroid

#13 Okay, buddy, okay

Source: paperrchain

#14 Terrifying

Source: throckmorton_

#15 I'm speechless

Source: johnnyhumanseeds