15 Funniest Posts By Restaurant Servers Who Have Had It With Customers

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Every waiter has encountered a rude customer, and every customer has encountered a rude server (and probably more than just a few).
However, some people go above and above their degree of annoyance by writing covertly offensive notes on takeout cups and receipts. These images display some of the most terrible notes left for customers and servers, ranging from moderately unpleasant nicknames to flagrantly offensive racist slurs.
Anyone who has ever worked in the food service industry is certain to have encountered one of these individuals—a very unkind patron who shouldn't be permitted to enter the establishment again. or to never again place a food order! Sad to say, unpleasant customers aren't really that uncommon.

They're quite common and turn the life of waiters, staff members at restaurants, and baristas into a nightmare that keeps them awake. We gathered some of the top articles by servers from throughout the internet in order to illustrate some of the experiences that service industry workers have had with nasty customers. Vote for the articles that touched you as you go down, and be sure to leave us a comment with your own experiences serving meals.
Moral of the story: Be nice to the people who handle your food.

#1 Scrapbooking

Source: u/billydrones

#2 House tipping

Source: u/stotaku420



#4 Send our love to Tyler

Source: Reddit / Twitter

#5 Would def watch

Source: Reddit / Twitter

#6 Dramatic swings

Source:  u/athena-maeve / Reddit

#7 Make someone's day

Source: u/rluw / Reddit

#8 You can't return sushi

Source: u/Enchilada_Lover / Reddit

#9 More like this

Source: u/snailonthem00n / Reddit

#10 Thanks ladies

Source: u/MarzipanInfamous8960 / Reddit

#11 Quiet you

Source: u/swedething / Reddit





#14 The reviews are in for Greg

Source: u/Syde-B / Reddit

#15 Numbers don't lie

Source: : u/Enchilada_Lover / Reddit