30+ Best And Funny Would You Rather Questions For An Overnight

Sunny Anderson

funny Would You Rather questions are easy to get to know someone quickly. Try these questions out if you're ever in a situation where you think everyone could stand to relax a little. These Would You Rather questions are about the funniest and most ridiculous things that have ever happened, so you can't play this game without laughing.
Here is a list of the funny "Would You Rather?" questions, sure to make you laugh and wonder if the person who made them is crazy.

#1. What Are Good Questions For Would You Rather?

1. Would you rather use chopsticks every day for the rest of your life or use a fork?
2. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?
3. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or randomly cry every day for 20 minutes?
4. Would you rather take care of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast for the rest of your life or have Gaston as your boyfriend?
5. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or hairstyle?
6. Would you rather wear a green leprechaun hat daily or fairy wings?
7. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?

#2. What Are Some Fun Questions To Ask? Funny Would You Rather questions

  1. Would you rather everyone could read your internet history or your thoughts?
  2. Would you rather listen to someone brag about their life constantly or complain about it?
  3. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or be invisible?
  4. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
  5. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
  6. Would you rather speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life?

#3. Would You Rather Questions About Friendship?


  1. Be covered in fur or scales?
  2. Always have a mullet or be bald?
  3. Have hands for feet or feet for hands?
  4. Have a time machine or a teleporter?
  5. Your only mode of transport be a donkey or a giraffe?
  6. Be famous on the internet or in real life?
  7. If you no longer feel this game is interesting, just try some of these funny movies.

#4. What Are Good Would You Rather Questions For A Girl?

  1. Would you rather never have painful cramps again or never have to shave again?
  2. Would you rather go through a whole day with a visible panty line or lipstick on your teeth?
  3. Would you rather be asked if you are PMSing every day or be told to stop being so sensitive every day?
  4. Would you rather wear a push-up bra all day long or stiletto heels all day long?
  5. Would you rather have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off or get a rash from a poor bikini wax job?

#5. Crazy Would You Rather Questions - Funny Would You Rather Questions

  1. Would you rather be able to feel pain or nothing at all?
  2. Would you rather have a private concert with your favorite artist or have all your bills paid (including food) for five years?
  3. Would you rather have no physical or mental pain?
  4. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or touch?
  5. Would you rather be executed by firing squad or electric chair?
  6. Would you rather only speak English or speak every language other than English?

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