20 Myths That Are Passed From Generation To Generation, And People Still Believe Them

Leona Martinez

A myth is a story that’s told again and again and serves to explain why something is the way it is. A creation myth, for example, is a story that tells how the world came into being. There are many myths. Some are true. Some are wrong. However, we have been fed untrue facts since we came into life. Maybe our parents decided to tell lies, which makes parenting much easier. Or maybe those stories are passed from generation to generation, and your parents and people around you still believe them. After that, you found out the truth.

Redditor u/FM596 put this question to r/AskReddit users. "What is a myth that is passed from generation to generation, and people still believe it?" In other words, “What lies did your parents tell you?” The thread was quickly bombarded by many redditors, with over 12k comments. As you can see, this was a popular question; therefore, there were some popular answers, one of which you may have been told. Scroll down to check them out. And share your interesting experience about the untrue myths with us.

Source: FM596


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Source: squeephish


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Source: SuvenPan


Source: Safety_Advisor


Source: Inoffensive_Account


Source: TwoTeapotsForXmas


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Source: ImGCS3fromETOH