20 WTF Situations That Will Leave You With More Questions Than Answers

Leona Martinez

Have you ever seen your friend doing something really silly and thought it was the dumbest idea ever? Maybe you also wondered why and what exactly they were doing like that. What was in their minds and what was the purpose of their actions? Your thoughts are probably just your speculations because you are unlikely to ever find answers to these questions.
Attempts are really important in life, but with the condition that our ideas are reasonable and accessible. Otherwise, our attempts will lead to hilarious failure. Looking at the pictures of some stupid folks below, you will definitely wish that they had not been real. And those guys really should have thought twice before plowing ahead with their senseless plans, because these really have got to be the dumbest ideas ever.

#1. Hmmm

Source: reddit.com

#2. Dangerous

Source: tumblr.com

#3. Talent with a capital O!

Source: unknown

#4. Just finished my Arduino controlled arm mounted nerf gun

Source: reddit.com

#5. There's nothing to see here...

Source: watson.ch

#6. Oh hell, no!!

Source: unknown

#7. I'm my mother's princess

Source: imgur.com

#8. People as bright as a small appliance bulb

Source: imgur.com

#9. This guy trying out bike seats

Source: imgur.com

#10. Yes, pay for it

Source: Lesedi_Sebou

#11. Russian guy fixing his air conditioning

Source: reddit.com

#12. So?

Source: unknown

#13. People can be total morons

Source: fishki.net

#14. We don't even want to know what this guy is doing!

Source: unknown

#15. Extreme descent

Source: unknown

#16. Are you sure that's how it works?

Source: unknown

#17. On the verge of risk

Source: unknown

#18. Good luck!!

Source: fishki.net

#19. How smart they are

Source: unknown

#20. On behalf of all of us on the transplant list: Thank you

Source: reddit.com