7 Best Pokemon Fan Game In 2022 You Should Not Miss

Sunny Anderson

As far as video games go, Pokémon is unstoppable, and its devoted fanbase only increases its popularity. Such that even official Game Freak releases can't keep up with demand. Fans keep questioning what the best pokemon fan game is.
To make up for what they see as the series's shortcomings, some fans have even released their own Pokémon stories. The number is enormous. To give helpful guidance, we have selected the top 10 best Pokemon Fan Games so far.

What Is The Best Pokemon Fan Game 2022?

Top 7 Pokemon GBA Fan Games, Ranked

7. Pokémon Bushido

pokemon fan gameSource: Pokémon Bushido

Made by a team of four using RPG Maker, this complete adventure will keep you busy for at least ten to fifteen hours. "uses Gen 4-styled visuals, yet features Pokémon from up to Gen 8!" is how the creators of this fan game describe its visual presentation. With "Bushido," our top 10 returns to the more classic Pokémon fare of lore, monster battles, and entertaining characters. The writing is excellent, and the game provides players with various options. Using a classic Japanese aesthetic that warms my heart. One of the top 10 Pokémon fan games out there.

6. Pokémon Wilds

Source: Pokémon Wilds

Each player's adventure in Pokémon Wilds will be completely different, thanks to the game's randomly generated open world. There are several familiar elements, such as monster collection, crafting, and open-world exploring, but this is also very different from any Pokémon game.

5. Pokémon Reborn

pokemon fan gameSource: Pokémon Reborn

Some have said this fan game is more mature than official Pokémon titles. Over 800 Pokémon are available in Pokémon Reborn, and the game boasts "all content through Generation 7." More than 60 hours of your life may be spent here. The game is known for being quite challenging, so if you're looking for something with a Pokémon theme that will test your mettle, this could be the game for you.

4. Pokémon Infinity

pokemon fan gameSource: Pokémon Infinity

"Infinity" is a reasonably polished experience with over twenty hours of gameplay from the developers of Pokémon Obsidian (another notable fan game). This one is a visual treat thanks to its gorgeous layout, dynamic weather effects, constant day and night cycle (regardless of whether you play or not), and abundance of unique artwork and animations. Many fans of the Pokémon series are swiftly switching to this new edition. Including it on our list of top Pokémon fan games was a no-brainer.

3. Poke MMO - A Pokémon Online Game

Source: Poke MMO

A comprehensive, multi-player Pokémon game that has been in the works since 2012! The slogan for this group is "play with everyone, not just yourself." Not to be taken literally... It's incredible to explore this rich environment and spot other players' usernames floating above their characters' heads, knowing that hundreds of others are also participating in this online experience. A vast population in the Poke MMO is responsible for maintaining the game's environment. You can talk to other people, buy and sell items, and even fight other people or just watch the fights.

2. Pokémon Rejuvenation

pokemon fan gameSource: Pokémon Rejuvenation

Similar developers to Pokémon Reborn have created yet another Pokémon fan game. In exchange for its more childlike tone, this game takes a page from anime and manga. A similarly polished and robust release... Many consider the narrative in "Rejuvenation" to be the best seen in a Pokémon fan game, and the game features over 100 hours of playtime, 800+ Pokémon, and more. This game's high ranking on our list of the best Pokémon fan games of 2022 is not surprising.

1. Pokémon Xenoverse - The Best Pokemon Fan Game In 2022

Source: Pokémon Xenoverse

Pokémon Xenoverse is our second choice for the greatest Pokémon fan game of 2022. developed by a large Italian team of fifteen. Italian was the language of the original fan game, but as of 2021, it had been translated into English. This version of "Xenoverse" is a stunning and well-polished game that provides hours of gaming. "Xenoverse" is a totally new Pokémon experience with excellent story writing and a large variety of content.
If you found the list of the seven best Pokemon fan games informative, don't hesitate to visit our website AUBTU.BIZ to get access to a wide range of news and information related to games.