20 Funny Times Canadians Got Caught Doing 'Canada' Things

Leona Martinez

What comes to mind first when you think of Canada, the land of the maple leaf? Perhaps it is food-related —pancakes and maple syrup—or sports—ice hockey? You may even be familiar with one or two well-known Canadians, such as Ryan Gosling, Michael Buble, or even Justin Bieber. Today, though, we'll show you a whole different aspect of this beautiful nation—and, even better, where you might find them.
Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connections. There, you can find whatever you want, from breaking news to advice on your problems or even interesting things that the members of this group found in Canada. One subreddit dedicated to this type is called r/canada. If you go to this group, you will find that what Canadians do is so ridiculous and hilarious. Let's scroll down to enjoy.

#1. When Canadians fight on Twitter

Source: BreakingGarrick

#2. Did anybody lose their flag? cuz I think I found it!

Source: Masterwolf5

#3. Another sunny day in northwestern Ontario!

Source: GeraldtonSteve

#4. Excuse me, sorry

Source: backdoorintruder

#5. Only in Canada

Source: victor1951

#6. Do not underestimate our hero

Source: Mebungo

#7. It doesn't get more Canadian than this

Source: Slomo-sapien

#8. It's time

Source: HighwayGirl

#9. FYI for those who didn’t get the alert

Source: devdevo1919

#10. Post

Source: TurdsofWisdom

#11. My best mate is in the British Army and has just finished a 9 month tour of duty in Alberta. He's just sent me this:

Source: IkeyTom21

#12. This makes so much sense and no sense at the same time

Source: audacious_turtle

#13. A nice drive in Canada

Source: leithgame17

#14. Pure gold from the Hockey Canada social media account

Source: gocanadiens

#15. The police in PEI were on the lookout yesterday

Source: MaritimeRedditor

#16. TO-Facts

Source: ticklemeego

#17. New ministry opened up

Source: Mikodite

#18. "Awww frick boys, I spilt my coffee"

Source: PinicchioDelTaco

#19. Texas is designating an official "state gun", so here's every Canadian province's official weapon

Source: Beckler89

#20. Pic of ramen noodles at -30: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Source: [deleted]