14 Tweets About Raising Kids That Are Truly Hilarious

Leona Martinez

Parents might find raising their kids one of the most sacred and rewarding things they ever do. However, that doesn't mean parenting is always fun. Moms and dads, more often than not, have less time for themselves because they have to keep an eye on their kids all the time. They also have to stay up all night to comfort their seemingly nonstop crying kids. Moreover, they might feel overloaded because of their kids' changing food tastes and tons of requests (even in the bathroom).
Luckily, some of them have a great sense of humor about the great adventure that is parenting. In the darkest times, they can always find the light. These parents came to Twitter to crack us up by sharing their funny parenting situations, and we are here for it. Scroll down to check them out now. Maybe you can relate to some of these tweets.

#1. You’d be truly winning at parenting!

Source: mommajessiec

#2. That's precious

Source: anne_theriault

#3. Forgive him… for he knows not what he says

Source: mom_ontherocks

#4. They need to chill

Source: LeciJ_

#5. Trust. But verify

Source: Parkerlawyer

#6. The value of lost teeth went up with inflation

Source: ChefLaurenW

#7. Good luck with that!!?

Source: mommymemejeans

#8. Okay, boomer

Source: Alohababe2011

#9. Kids don’t even know how funny they are

Source: FatherWithTwins

#10. Oh lord

Source: thearibradford

#11. Good answer kid ?

Source: Six_Pack_Mom

#12. All legitimate imo

Source: TheCatWhisprer

#13. So true!

Source: SnarkyMommy78

#14. For estate planning

Source: feliciaday